Hello everyone.
I want to point out something that many of you may have forgotten by now, or just haven't played before the release of thieves guild.
Jumping doesn't work properly. It was fine before the release of Thieves Guild, it was also fine on the Thieves Guild testing server, but when the patch went live, jumping got messed up, here's a video to showcase.
This is jumping pre - live thieves guild:
[EDIT] The jumping I refer to only lasts for 3 seconds in that part. You can also watch 1:29 There are 2 jumps there, and they aren't as clear, but at least it's something
The rest of the video is irrelevant to this topic, but you're welcome to enjoy it if you want. (It's also very old)
The player who's recording is able to jump, and then move either back, left, right or forward, and cover up an amount of distance that doesn't just feel smooth, but is also a lot more functional and healthy to the game. You used to be able to jump over and on to very simple objects, but now, if I try jumping from a stand still, I virtually don't move at all, other than a lousy few inches. Go into the game, and try standing, jumping, and then moving to a direction of your choosing. You'll see how sluggish, clunky, and terrible it feels.
I must point out that zenimax acknowledged this, and after the patch went live, mentioned they knew about the bug, and promised to fix it in a future weekly update. The update came, and the fix was announced. I logged into the game, tried to jump, and it was literally the same as it was before; Clunky, sluggish, terrible, and in other words, bugged.
Here's the patch that announced the fix, way back at the beginning of 2016:
The first line Under the base game patch fixes
Combat & Gameplay
"It will now be easier to jump and move forward to land on top of fixtures and terrain."
The issue has been in the game for two and a half years, and I think, we've been waiting patiently for this to be fixed.
Please zenimax, all I ask here, is for jumping to be fixed, a pretty basic mechanic.
Oh and also, when I sprint and then jump, my character jumps at a regular jogging speed, not at sprint speed, that would also be nice to have fixed, thank you in advance.
If anyone has an opinion, please share it.
No disrespect meant toward Zenimax, or anyone else.
Sincerely yours, InBedWithMySelf.
Good day.