Merlin13KAGL wrote: »Tank or not, it's a little absurd to think you should be able to just eat a siege to the face without skipping a beat.
VaranisArano wrote: »Which campaign? No CP or CP?
On the CP campaign, the catapults are very effective currently, and I wish the siege shield skill affected their ground-based DOT too. Nevertheless, I haven't felt like I was dying too fast as long as I was careful or not facing an organized defense. I imagine its much worse in No CP.
siege shield does mitigate against catapults.It's bad enough that they deal too much persistent damage that can't even be mitigated by siege shield,
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »siege shield does mitigate against catapults.It's bad enough that they deal too much persistent damage that can't even be mitigated by siege shield,
I think the issue with siege is mainly the debuffs constantly reapplying on top of the damage. If the debuff only affected players hit by the siege but the dmg continued it would be a little more manageable.
In addition they are really difficult to see.
On non CP it is really crazy how much dmg siege does.
VaranisArano wrote: »Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »siege shield does mitigate against catapults.It's bad enough that they deal too much persistent damage that can't even be mitigated by siege shield,
I think the issue with siege is mainly the debuffs constantly reapplying on top of the damage. If the debuff only affected players hit by the siege but the dmg continued it would be a little more manageable.
In addition they are really difficult to see.
On non CP it is really crazy how much dmg siege does.
As far as I can tell, siege shield mitigates the initial hit from catapults, but not the ground based DOT afterwards. I might be wrong, sieges these days are a little hectic for actual testing.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »Tank or not, it's a little absurd to think you should be able to just eat a siege to the face without skipping a beat.
No, it's a little absurd to apply real-world expectations to a game scenario. If we were to apply that then Cyro would be unplayable, people would die in one hit from a sword. Bow light attack spam would be the ultimate meta. That's just bad game design for this style of play. And why stop there! If we're talking real-world expectations then I shouldn't be able to fight a daedric prince buck-ass naked, yet here I am, flapping in the breeze, punching the lord of domination in his tender shins.
We need to be real about what siege is and what it's meant to do. Their two primary purposes are knocking down keep structures and area denial. If they're too good at knocking down keep structures we'd all cry that there's no point in having walled keeps as a game mechanic, and if they're too good at area denial then we'd all cry that there's no point in player abilities. Right now we are way too far towards that latter, point-and-click hero apocalypse and it's making for a worse play experience for people looking to actually compete in skilled combat. Toning it back a little would be to everyone's benefit.
LoveForElderScrolls wrote: »I'm dying too fast to catapults near enemy keeps, even if there's a healer near me and I'm a tank. Now if the enemy players jump down from the walls that problem gets even worst. You have to fight other players near a keep they can respawn plus catapults which leave an area of effect for long with huge damage. If you are a small group you have no chance to siege a keep and your group will be wiped in 10 seconds if enemy players jump down from the wall and they have catapults support. I understand if you take a keep there are benefits to it but right now it's just impossible to siege a keep with a small group.
LoveForElderScrolls wrote: »You cannot fight enemy players if they have catapults support. You have to retreat from the keep otherwise you are dead fighting other players plus catapults.
LoveForElderScrolls wrote: »I'm dying too fast to catapults near enemy keeps, even if there's a healer near me and I'm a tank. Now if the enemy players jump down from the walls that problem gets even worst. You have to fight other players near a keep they can respawn plus catapults which leave an area of effect for long with huge damage. If you are a small group you have no chance to siege a keep and your group will be wiped in 10 seconds if enemy players jump down from the wall and they have catapults support. I understand if you take a keep there are benefits to it but right now it's just impossible to siege a keep with a small group.
Sorry but nope. Huge telegraph, and they're meant to breach walls and doors. Sorry not sorry that you cannot survive a launched boulder.
Get out of the way or get more people.
Why does everything need to be a faceroll?
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »One thing I will say, anecdotally, is that today I witness a couple of sieges (both won by the defenders) from both sides of the coin that would /not/ have been won by the defenders prior to the Summerset patch, IMO.
A combination of heavy counter siege, timestops, and lots of AOE made it impossible to breach into the keeps and survive.
Whether you consider this good or bad is up to you, but there is the caveat that the defenders should have some form of advantage.
At this point the game there are very, very few guilds (only speaking about PC/NA) who could offensively take a keep while being outnumbered now. I can count them on one hand and have fingers left over. Even then it's very, very hard. Most others, in my experience, have been ground down under the constant rain of catapult AoEs, Timestops, and oils and often to smaller numbers.
PUGs against a well defended breach are just hapless. Complete fodder unless vastly outnumbering the enemy. It becomes vital to ensure every single enemy you can manage dies in the courtyard instead of getting into the inner.. It also forces the attacker to approach it from multiple angles, sieging multiple posterns down, and even then that may not be enough. At that point it becomes time to circumvent the objective and hit them where they're not stacked up if enough are defending.
But I can say for certain, guilds and pugs alike, both are getting killed in breaches and chokes with a much greater rate of occurrence than ever before.
If you want an idea of how powerful the scattershot dot is... think of it as long range ground oils that persist. Only the size of the siege engine prevent it from really getting to the silly place that ground oils were at.
::plays game marketed as a huge warfare simulator, but expects small group sport-like competition where siege hits like a pool noodle::
VaranisArano wrote: »::plays game marketed as a huge warfare simulator, but expects small group sport-like competition where siege hits like a pool noodle::
As much as I do play this game like its a huge warfare simulator, the servers haven't exactly been letting us play like its a huge warfare simulator, so I can understand the confusion.
In a heavily contested keep capture/defense, the disconnects are as dangerous as the siege these days.
VaranisArano wrote: »::plays game marketed as a huge warfare simulator, but expects small group sport-like competition where siege hits like a pool noodle::
As much as I do play this game like its a huge warfare simulator, the servers haven't exactly been letting us play like its a huge warfare simulator, so I can understand the confusion.
In a heavily contested keep capture/defense, the disconnects are as dangerous as the siege these days.
It's not that, it's complaining about mechanics that are intended for one aspect of play and trying to slam your head to make it match your playstyle.
If I hated keep fights and horse riding (and I do), I'd rather zos make a mode specifically for a smaller environment without large zergy keeps (and they did, BGs).
VaranisArano wrote: »VaranisArano wrote: »::plays game marketed as a huge warfare simulator, but expects small group sport-like competition where siege hits like a pool noodle::
As much as I do play this game like its a huge warfare simulator, the servers haven't exactly been letting us play like its a huge warfare simulator, so I can understand the confusion.
In a heavily contested keep capture/defense, the disconnects are as dangerous as the siege these days.
It's not that, it's complaining about mechanics that are intended for one aspect of play and trying to slam your head to make it match your playstyle.
If I hated keep fights and horse riding (and I do), I'd rather zos make a mode specifically for a smaller environment without large zergy keeps (and they did, BGs).
Yeah, I hear you. I'd love to see Cyrodiil be able to support the large scale combat that it used to and for the other PVP types like IC and BGs to have a healthy population. If the technical side of things would allow, we could probably get more players and thus more types of PVP content. Unfortunately, the technical side of things is not good, leading to the drop in population, and to Cyrodiil becoming much smaller in the scope of its warfare. When the servers can't support the large fights Cyrodiil is intended for, I'm not surprised to see more small groups, and thus for those small groups to push for changes to the original design of Cyrodiil that's aimed for large groups.