One Tamriel! hope it doesn't end with one person in Tamriel with an unlimited budget who can be online 25/8/366
Yes Eso is one of the best MMO's around, it requires a great deal of cash to make it and keep it as such, so no qq about 14k crown houses (I don't buy them)
When Morrowind was launched it suddenly wasn't a DLC, a year later that's a different story again. okay.. but why not same thinking for more in that order?
It almost seems ZOS has a factory now, building crown houses, every release bigger etc. (yes item cap I know)
why always just a short time frame to sell them? not many of us have a pile of crowns on stock and might be gone from game for few weeks.
my suggestion would be to put the "exclusive" houses in shop for 6 months, after that lower the crown price by 50% and also put it on sale for a huge pile of gold
the reason they will not give you not to, is that they want to provide some sort of feeling of real exclusiveness; you buy something now for a high price because you think its a once in a lifetime deal and will not come back.
well if they keep creating more, more often and bigger, "better" people will figure out there is no exclusiveness, just for a short time.
therefore I see no reason not to do it in a sort of a way I suggested above, after half a year there will be a new chunk of houses, release the old ones for all?
personal note: a house that is available for gold should be linked at all cases to an achievement that can be done by all players.
High Hall for example only available for high end pve players who can do veteran DLC dungeons?.. whats the next one Maelstrom flawless? One Tamriel please, keep it fair
2nd personal note: I dont want a pirate ship cave, provide us an empty cave and ill build a better one if you release decent stuff to build with. what I would like to see is an empty island like I posted before, like coldharbor. just not time limited to an event and a different map, like summerset