When is desyncing going to be fixed rather than getting much worse with each patch?

Every time you guys do "performance improvements" the desyncs get worse.It's slowly gotten worse since Dragon Bones but Summerset has just made it constant. Where you see someone on your screen, they're actually 10-20 meters away, so good luck targeting something or something if you're melee. Biting Jabs desyncs so bad that it doesn't even fire at all but still drains your stam. Even crafting nodes are desync'd. Most of them are most of the way into the ground and can only be seen with Keen Eye.

Oddly enough, the only place I haven't encountered this is in the Imperial Sewers, specifically in the Barathrum Centrata. Doing the Simulacrum of Molag Bal was the first time I had such smooth combat and weaving.

It's not ping because I have ~80 ping usually and it's not really anything is delayed, it's just people aren't where it says they are and attacks are stacking. People's characters can also appear to be frozen or with their fists up and you'll see your character reacting to their attacks (bleeding effects, the sound effects of the other player's abilities, etc.) but they'll just be standing still. It's like the long-standing Stage 8 bug from vMA with the miniboss who has invisible Rapid Strikes.

Places where it's the worst are houses (amount of furnishings doesn't matter), Stormhaven, and Cyrodiil (10x worse than anywhere else).

@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_Wrobel
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