President_PUG wrote: »Its not like Im asking for anything Free ever in this game have I done that. I am living in a wheelchair like Steven Hawkins, I get my disability on the 3rd each month, after everyone takes their 7 pints of my 8 pints blood I have enough left over to invest in my one one hobby ESO..I made video of This hat MAY 5 its been my Screensaver for a month so its not like Dangling it in front of Me 2 days shy of me being able to outright buy it could hurt Publicity or accounting number crunchers!
President_PUG wrote: »Its not like Im asking for anything Free ever in this game have I done that. I am living in a wheelchair like Steven Hawkins, I get my disability on the 3rd each month, after everyone takes their 7 pints of my 8 pints blood I have enough left over to invest in my one one hobby ESO..I made video of This hat MAY 5 its been my Screensaver for a month so its not like Dangling it in front of Me 2 days shy of me being able to outright buy it could hurt Publicity or accounting number crunchers!
President_PUG wrote: »NA/PC. I am just asking for 2 extra days. I can pay myself. Its just to the point I feel That ONLINE Gaming is gonna have to start addressing The Handicapped Accessibility when creating Theirs games from now on. There are Law's that Require Company's to make it possible for Handicapped People such as Myself to be able to have access to Product same as normal people. Isn't That fair? Some content in this game is just too much mechanics to be able to play. That's gonna cost the industry a lot of money to fix I bet. Should keep your customers satisfied and satisfied customers are usually quite.
President_PUG wrote: »NA/PC. I am just asking for 2 extra days. I can pay myself. Its just to the point I feel That ONLINE Gaming is gonna have to start addressing The Handicapped Accessibility when creating Theirs games from now on. There are Law's that Require Company's to make it possible for Handicapped People such as Myself to be able to have access to Product same as normal people. Isn't That fair? Some content in this game is just too much mechanics to be able to play. That's gonna cost the industry a lot of money to fix I bet. Should keep your customers satisfied and satisfied customers are usually quite.
President_PUG wrote: »Offering some Motifs in Individual crates others as a whole, but only limited. The Tsaeca Motif available until the First I get paid the 3rd. Why?????????
Then again, seeing as you'd go into hypovolemic shock long before 87% of the blood in your body were removed, I'm being quite fondly reminded of the term "unreliable narrator"...