Magblade PVE help

I've mained a mag sorc since first beta, dabbled in various other builds. I'm CP cap and currently running this on my magblade. (haven't really got into trials yet). 5 juliano, 5 mother sorrow, 2 kena. still trying to learn the build, starting to get the hang of it. Looking for suggestions on the gear i should be running, I know my gear is far from BiS. Mostly just gonna be doing summerset dailies and such for now to learn the build but looking to git gud with this build eventually
  • Kingslayer513
    What are your specific goals for now?

    You can hit 40k dps using 5xJulianos 5xMother's Sorrow 2xValkyn. Not sure about how kena would effect that though. A slight step up is using Burning Spellweave with Mother's Sorrow. Burning spellweave with Julianos is also really good. The bigger leap beyond that is using trials gear, but all of these combos are perfectly fine for doing endgame PVE. More important is to become really comfortable with the magblade dynamic rotation in order to hit good numbers.
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