Is summerset any good?

No spoilers please!!

I'm very far behind in the game :)

I will be eventually making it to summerset and had a few basic questions.

Firstly is it any good? Nice side quests and main story? Does it bring nice content or repeatable quests?

Would you say there is more content then something like wrothgar or other dlcs?

Overall would you say it's worth the money for a pve player?
  • VaranisArano
    If you have played Morrowind and Clockwork City, Summerset is a rousing conclusion to the Daedric Wars story arc.

    If you havent, Summerset is a decent standalone story.

    I'd say its closest to Orsinium in content, with extremely well done world bosses and Abyssal Geyser events.

    I enjoyed the Main and side quests, personally, and Summerset is a beautiful zone.
  • srfrogg23
    I enjoyed it. I think the standard purchase is $30, and I felt it was worth the price. Everyone has different tastes though.
  • Vapirko
    Meh, it gets old pretty fast. Depends on what you’re after it for. If you’re the take your time through the story type then I think you’ll enjoy it. It’s definitely a favorite zone aesthetically. Imo the psijic skill line is incredibly underwhelming for PvE and PvP if you’re a small scale player and incredibly OP if you’re a zerger. Jewelry crafting is so far way over rated as there just aren’t enough good crafted sets to warrant combining two of them. Maybe that will be BiS some day who knows, you’d think now would be a good time for ZOS to revamp crafted sets. If you’re not after anything in particular you could always wait till there’s a crown sale or it’s free next year.
  • Tasear
    It was well done in many ascepts. Honestly, I think you will really like content provided.
    Edited by Tasear on June 28, 2018 2:29AM
  • idk
    Good story line in itself. As the first post stated it does follow the Morrowind/CWC story arc.
  • Jailbirdy

    not if you play PVP
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  • firedrgn
    I like it is fun kinda. I love the look and graphics.

    Im not much of a quester so cant help there.

    I really got it for jc thats kinda a sore spot for me tho.
  • LordSemaj
  • SydneyGrey
    Summerset is incredible.
    Not only is the place beautiful, but the quests are really well done as well, so if you like questing, absolutely play Summerset.
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