Olen_Mikko wrote: »Don't know about your skill slots, but make sure you have constant DoT on, to proc skoria but also to improve your dps.
Heavy attack / resto heavy attack / potions shlould help too.
Or you can put one recovery enchant on jewelry
Roll a Mag Sorc. Cheese mode activated.
gamerguy757 wrote: »So I'm trying to get my DPS up on my builds. I have the gear, but I think I'm having trouble with rotation but mostly having trouble with sustain. I have a magblade with 5x Acuity, 5x Sorrow, 2x Skoria and 1x VMA Destro Precise. I run out of magicka soooooo fast and i just learned of the nerf to Siphoning Attacks, so now I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I could really use some advice. I love tanking and healing trials/dungeons, but sometimes id like to get in there and cause some damage. Plus I do miss VMA XD.
I just started a MagDen (dunmer) for a DPS end game since I finally somehow got three jewelry pieces of Necropotence and don't feel like having a third sorc lol. Id like variety in my toons.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. This isn't a git gud thread, I'm legitimately asking for some help
gamerguy757 wrote: »I have a magblade with 5x Acuity, 5x Sorrow, 2x Skoria and 1x VMA Destro Precise.
gethemshauna wrote: »
ResTandRespeC wrote: »gethemshauna wrote: »
What do you mean? Having the magsorc is more about the healing or having the magblades is more about the healing? both have pretty good self heals that work well for vCR and that help the team. Twighlight can help the team in the shadow realm for magsorc and magblades can help the team with funnel. To the guy saying role a magsorc, magblade are definitely pulling higher numbers this patch. They just have a harder rotation then magsorcs.
gamerguy757 wrote: »So I'm trying to get my DPS up on my builds. I have the gear, but I think I'm having trouble with rotation but mostly having trouble with sustain. I have a magblade with 5x Acuity, 5x Sorrow, 2x Skoria and 1x VMA Destro Precise. I run out of magicka soooooo fast and i just learned of the nerf to Siphoning Attacks, so now I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I could really use some advice. I love tanking and healing trials/dungeons, but sometimes id like to get in there and cause some damage. Plus I do miss VMA XD.
I just started a MagDen (dunmer) for a DPS end game since I finally somehow got three jewelry pieces of Necropotence and don't feel like having a third sorc lol. Id like variety in my toons.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. This isn't a git gud thread, I'm legitimately asking for some help
gamerguy757 wrote: »I have impale, force pulse/funnel health, merciless resolve, inner light, siphoning attacks, soul harvest on the front bar. Back bar I have wall of elements, twisting path, harness Magicka, degeneration, and crippling grasp and raging storm ultimate.