howdy folks,
this "bug", or whatever weird thing it is, has happened to me twice now in two days. my wayshrined are gone, so are the houses that i own (Snugpod in Grahtwood and Domus Phrasticus in Craglorn). when i look at my map i can see all other stuff, like skyshards, stables, lorebooks, points of interest, but i can not travel anywhere since there are no wayshrines to travel to. like on this picture(s) -

one may argue that i may not have any wayshrines "unlocked" in the area, but i have finished the main quest with my new character (lvl 31 Sorcerer) so Coldharbour is unlocked and i do have wayshrines in Grahtwood. in fact, i am standing almost next to the one in that big tree -

any ideas why? i am using a controller, but it is the same when i switch to normal settings (keyboard and mouse). any ideas are welcome, any solution will be much appreciated..
Edited by mzprx on June 23, 2018 12:03AM