Waffennacht wrote: »
From the creator of beloved Daedric Shepherd comes his most hated creation yet! For every compliment and praise the PvE build gets, this PvP build gets as much salt and hate.
Credit goes to: @Brrrofski and his Regenerator build, @Thelon and his Bubonic Tonic build, @Psychotic13 and his ideas and theories plus @Beardimus @dpencil and those whom's names I have currently forgotten. Thank you all, your help has made all of this possible.
The Shepherd King:
Necklace - Transmutation, Arcane, Spell Damage Glyph
Rings - Transmutation, Arcane, 1 Spell Damage Glyph, 1 Magicka Regen Glyph
Head - Troll King, Heavy, Well-Fitted (should be infused)
Shoulder - Troll King, Medium, Impenetrable
Chest - Clever Alchemist, Heavy, Infused
Waist - Clever Alchemist, Heavy, Impenetrable
Legs - Clever Alchemist, Heavy, Infused
Hands - Clever Alchemist, Heavy, Impenetrable
Feet - Transmutation, Light, Impenetrable
Main Hand - Clever Alchemist, Frost (or Fire) Staff, Sharpened
Backup Hand - Transmutation, Restoration Staff, Defending
x4/x5 Alchemist, x4/x5 Transmutation, x2 Troll King
Main Bar - Volatile Familiar, Daedric Prey, Hardened Ward, Destructive Reach, and Crystal Fragments, ultimate Summon Atronach
Back Bar - Volatile Familiar, Rapid Regeneration, Dark Conversion, Healing Ward, and Entropy, ultimate Overload
Overload Bar: Volatile Familiar, Innerlight, Daedric Prey, Daedric Minefield, and Boundless Storm.
Alternates for Group play: Switch Volatile Familiar for Guard. Switch Overload for Life's Champion. Switch Summon Atronach for Suppression Field.
This is with Blue jewelry, No undaunted passives, 1 Mage's guild passive, Purp Armor, Gold main weapon, No boundless storm.
The build is intended for Dueling and Open World PvP. In Open PvP your role is that of Off-dps Support/Healer, the changes for Open World is removal of some abilities to better support your team. Familiar is optional, as console players still have no way to control their pet in combat.
This build came into existence to combat the vast fields of Proc set builds, mTemplars and mDKs. I was tired of either winning, or losing, with my mSorc in a matter of seconds. I was tired of random crits putting me in my grave, and tired of being CC'ed with no recourse. Taking inspiration from the above builds and players I came up with a build that can survive it all.
Food: Witch Mother's Brew (my personal favorite) or Blue max magicka max health if you don't need so much regen.
Race: Altmer, Breton, Dunmer - Standard Sorcerer Choices; Argonian, Nord, Imperial - Alternate Unique Choices (Healing, Health Regeneration and Resistance Passives)
Champion Points
Magician 32
Warlord 1
Tenacity 26
Arcanist 89
Tumbling 39
Elfborn 48
Blessed 44
Elemental Expert 84
Staff Expert 10
Thaumaturge 1
Resistant 48
Hardy 44
Elemental Defender 40
Bastion 40
Quick Recovery 15
I'm sure this isn't the most efficient use of the points, but I have them set this way.
Why Heavy Armor?
Well in the current meta, a light armor wearer without a ward being up is very susceptible to proc burst or sustained CC's. Heavy armor gives me an opportunity to turn battles around without having too worry too much about being burst down. The Heavy Armor passives all support my playstyle better, returning stamina enough to break CC and eating hits far better than my light armor days. Boosted health and boosted healing should not be overlooked, as a sorc our access to such passives are very limited. In heavy armor, dark conversion does indeed finally, "feel awesome."
Now having a ward up DOES NOT prevent the Wrath passive or constitution passive - a ward being hit WILL return resources to you and boost your spell damage
Why so much impenetrable on a mSorc?
Well in Heavy Armor and with set choices, the Max Magicka is on the lower end. This also means a smaller ward, splash damage after a ward can critically hit, and many Proc builds can stack enough damage abilities that your health pool will be hit. Practically maxed impen will slow the roll of any dps build, at least enough to guarantee you an opportunity to respond before death. There is no build that can completely burst through this builds defenses. Transmutation not only provides you enough impen to hit max, in group play you're giving your allies an additional massive crit resist.
Why Troll King?
Despite some synergy in the Pet Tree and Health regeneration Troll King provides a Sorc a very solid and reliable "HoT." As you can see the King rocks almost 3k health regen. This is not reduced by defile, this is not reduced by Guile, this heal rate is the most reliable heal in game. Troll King can be triggered by Rapid Regen on either bar (and will) once you hit 60% health. On the back bar Healing Ward will also trigger Troll king, providing an absolute massive ward (approx 10k) a mediocre heal, and then the Troll King heal. In group play Troll King and Rapid Regen and Healing Ward and Transmutation will make even the weakest PUG into Cyrodiil war veterans.
Why Alchemist mr Tank?
Well again it's a set that can have an active effect on any bar which is almost a necessity for staff users. The added health is always nice in heavy armor, the burst of Alchemist is one of the best uses in PvP. Really there is not much of a reason to Not run Alchemist.
Fine, why the Pet?
In U13 the pets get buffed, not to mention familiar's AoE will now be buffed by Prey. This makes for a great consistent damage, it allows for passive stunning, it and almost most importantly, gives you another option and spammable move against reflection abilities. There is also the added benefit that many players will focus on your pet because they think you're a Necropotence pet build. This gives you time to time burst, recover stats, or just get a cup of joe... Remember only recast the familiar when it is safe, you do not need the familiar out to kill.
Rapid Regeneration: This provides, without any minor or major buffs, a 800 heal tick non crit and 1440 critical heal. It procs Troll King for yourself on either bar and your allies. This also triggers transmutation for yourself and your allies. Lasts 20 seconds, a great ability for the build.
Dark Conversion: Running low on magicka? Use this to get some without having to wait for a heavy attack. Provides us a use for all of that extra stam when not CC breaking. A great combo is: Healing Ward (triggering troll and ward) + Dark Conversion, this will put you to practically full health and give you a massive ward and then the over 2k health regen)
Entropy: With a lower critical rating Power Surge doesn't give the main benefits most Sorcs gain, couple this with the fact Power Surge is about double the cost of entropy I decided to use Entropy over Power Surge. There is a slight added benefit of Guild passives, another cool synergy is the morph of entropy that provides a health bonus. Pre battle you can switch to Resto bar (now your health shouldn't be full because of the health boost) and use Rapid Regen, before you ever get hit you'll have transmutation procced.
Daedric Prey: Boosts damage, plus the 6 second burst throws builds off a bit as they are use to Velocious Curse (for now) also with the up comin atronach boost we get some good pressure
Reach/Clench: Our spammable dps move. This does low damage, however the roots it provides can drain opponent's stamina as the dodge roll all day, it also alleviates pressure from opponents by creating distance. Also allows our pet to get a few good hits in. Remember to be careful when flinging frags, reach is almost always followed by a roll dodge, you will be tempted to fling that frag immediately after reach as it procs, but this will most likely miss.
Crystal Fragments: The main hitter, we fling this out when we can. Even if your opponent can take em on the chin, keep up the pressure, some builds will suddenly lose their defensive, don't let such an opportunity slide.
For Dueling: This is the primary reason for the build. Your strategy here is to first identify your opponent, this is usually accomplished by watching your health bar.
If you find your health rapidly decreasing you're facing potentially: stam sorc either Kra' or Veli dot build, m or s DK, mLA temp typically running Grothdarr. These are not the burst builds but the "like a bat outta hell" (that's what I call em heh) dps builds. Your bar is dropping fast. Time to turtle up. Get your wards up, trigger troll, rapid, if you just can't get a break try and hit familiar between wards. When you swap bars hit reach, you need to get a break from their offense. If you can get the familiar stun, go into perma roots spam. Once they get on the defense your chances of victory are much better. Atro gives awesome opportunities to break the offensive onslaught. Their defenses are usually low enough they cannot survive very much (nor is their regen as high as other builds, meaning more susceptible to stuns) if they are so strong that you can't get on the offense luckily their offense means your heals are generating massive ultimate, you then flip on Overload and cast mines and prey. Use a ward every other move to keep your health bar in good standing (thank you troll) Hopefully they'll run into a mine about the same time a LA and Prey go off, if that doesn't kill them it definitely puts them on the defensive. In this match your offense is your only chance.https://youtu.be/sW3I2sE5vYU
Tremorscale SnB (Dk, Temps, maybe NBs, also maybe stam sorc) We love these builds, we're gonna be snared 100% of the time, but they'll never pose a serious threat of killing you. The only issue is facing a draw, DKs and Temps do have great heals, if they never over extend you may never kill them. Basic idea is keep up as much offensive pressure possible, hopefully they are the types thag run minimum regen rates and eventually sub come to roots and stuns. Our burst is: Frag, Reach, Prey (detonation) Frag while having an Atro and Pet dealin passive damage. Again you should never lose, but you may not win.https://youtu.be/gZhWe6yNkUc
Sometimes your opponent gets over confident in their ability to survive
Standard Proc Burst sDK, sTemplar, sNB: These are the builds that made me want to even have a build like this. Typically they invest so much CPs and armor into critical damage, and damage mods that their sustain and actual abilities don't deal much damage at all. They are trying to proc several sets at once in conjunction with typically an ult and execute. The thing is, if this burst can't kill you, they have no alternative game plan. Stamina Nightblades are your best match ups, they are all about damage in burst form. Unfortunately for them you can use their cloak to give yourself time to have every buff up. If they stay out in the open they are very squishy. Curse is your best friend against a stamina NB, it can't be blocked, it can't be cloaked away, and it hits hard. Templars and DKs don't pose much threat either, stamina DKs will have a difficult time even getting close enough to you to use any attacks. Temps really the same deal, you just work your opponent until they can no longer cast heals or break CC.
Magicka Casters: Started to think this build has no downsides? Well unfortunately that's not true, the normal magicka sorcerer and the magicka NB are the worst match ups for the King. The plan against a magicka sorcerer is to hope they dodge roll out of roots, we aren't fighting their health or wards, we are fighting their stamina. Less experienced sorcerers will dodge roll leaving themselves vulnerable to a hard CC. Once a sorc has been hard CC'ed you have a very good chance of killing them. The real trick against a magicka sorcerer is to not deal too much damage. If you get a sorc too low and not hard CC'ed that Healing Ward and stack will make all of your hard work simply gone. A sorcerer is at his weakest about mid health. If you manage to get a sorc CC'ed and half health you win. This proves to be extremely difficult against experienced sorcerers. Even rooted they will use heavy attacks or other single target abilities to turn to continue the attack and will not be hard CC'ed. Against an experienced sorc you may over extend leaving yourself vulnerable. The initial burst of Curse, Frag, Wrath and Meteor may not kill you, but a Hard CC stuck in the AOE plus another Wrath just might. Also a pro sorc can use EOTS or Rage at the exact right time. DO NOT EVER LET YOUR GUARD DOWN. I have many times been too cocky and let transmutation and Rapid lapse, it has cost me a few duels already because a very well timed EOTS plus streak/fear. Speaking of magicka NBs. Their dots and skoria can be simply mitigated, however again over extension plus a well timed EOTS and fear can kill you. Many times I failed to keep my buffs up and got caught by Fear because of the poor animation it can have at times - usually bad words follow and how I need to pay attention. The real issue with mag NBs is they can easily make it where you can't win. They can stack Healing Ward and Annulment, they have Cripple and Agonize to annoy you to no end. Most annoyingly is their ability to cloak and teleport at will. Again, they won't die if they don't over extend. This is same as the King, he won't die if you keep safe. Skoria is the main choice of these NBs, just be aware of your health and keep up your buffs. Don't get too cocky and drop wards for a heavy attack or an ability, just don't, you give them an opportunity to win they should never have.
Trollplar, Malubeth Mist Form, DK, Permablocker, Some Healthplars: Unwinnable, you won't lose either as won't any build that these builds typically face. Unfortunately versions that your standard Sorcerer or more dps build would actually defeat, this build won't. We won't be surprising anybody with a Death Recap of 15k (or anywhere near that lol) so there are far more builds that the King will simply draw against. I'm usually the player that'll forfeit first, just makes things faster. If you start battle and 20 minutes later, both of you can just stand there and emote at each other, it's best just to let them have it. I've had matches where players hide for 5 minutes rather than forfeit. It'll be much more fun and enjoyable if you just seek out another match.
Group Play: Support ROLE! In groups you will not be the dps guy. If you can't focus on one guy, or if that other player has heals coming in, you won't be getting any kills. We can still get tons of AP however! Sitting in the middle or near the front lines is best, keep healing ward those that get low. Keep rapid regeneration on as many people as possible keeping Transmutation up. Troll King also procs on other players. If you do decide to run Champion of Life, you truly make PUGs into superstars. 1400 health regen, A Ward, 800 hps HOT, 1300 crit resistance, 30% less damage taken, AND 30% more critical damage done... oh and a 5k+ HOT, that's what you can potentially add to any other player around you.
- An example: I was wandering around in Cyrodiil and happened across a random friendly keep under siege. Jumped right in and found a former emperor facing a small group of enemies. The best part of the experience is when he decided to use his EOTS, I hit Champion of Life (and the rest) and watched him charge right in alone. He stood alone afterwardsas I do very little group play I was quite proud to get the whisper: "Great Heals."
For group play I truly use the build as support, just casting attacks here and there to do what I can, but mostly I enjoy seeing the excitement of a PUG that finally feels like an Emperor on the battlefield.
JumpmanLane wrote: »Try Blob’s new magdk cancer build (he calls it that, I’m not bagging on Blobs. He rocks).
I think it’s 5 piece Sloads, 5 piece Durok’s and Skoria maybe. It’d definitely be a nuisance to all with Durok’s applying Major Defile and Sloads proccing all over the place. Skoria would be like a cherry on top.
Go Dunmer and leap them fools. Fire burns ya know.
Waffennacht wrote: »JumpmanLane wrote: »Try Blob’s new magdk cancer build (he calls it that, I’m not bagging on Blobs. He rocks).
I think it’s 5 piece Sloads, 5 piece Durok’s and Skoria maybe. It’d definitely be a nuisance to all with Durok’s applying Major Defile and Sloads proccing all over the place. Skoria would be like a cherry on top.
Go Dunmer and leap them fools. Fire burns ya know.
Defile loses A LOT of power in no CP