Dotting throughout the landscape there are seemingly randomly placed guild traders, they are always next to a wayshrine but other than that they don't really seem to have a reason for being where they are. They receive very little traffic (unless people find out what is at them using TTC addon or something) and as such are not very popular.
I propose these traders are moved to more populated area's, now I don't mean to a central hub, I like the flavour of these traders being away from the cities but they need to still be in reasonably trafficed area's. I would be supprised if ZoS didn't have some kind of heat map of where people are in the game world that could help better place these traders but here are my suggestions.
Kanarthi's roost:
I like Mistral these traders are well placed.
Vulkhel Guard Docks: an okay placed guildtrader, kind of most of the activity is actually over in the crafting hub of Vulkel Gaurd and perhaps it should be moved there.
Skywatch: Well at least skywatch has a bank and crafting stations unlike other major cities, but other than the new life festival there is very little reason to visit. The guild trading hub should be in the popular Vulkhel guard.
Firsthold wayshrine: this might seem random but its actually a well placed wilderness guild trader because dolmen running is popular in Auridon and this is right next to a dolmen.
Well the elden root traders are obviously good but what the hell is going on with the other two traders.
Southpoint Wayshrine: Reason to go to southpoint??? questing and there is a clothier survey map there and that's it. This guild trader should be moved to Long Coast wayshrine next to the dolmen.
Cormount Wayshrine: Reasons to go to Cormount??? questing or that you own the Estate home there.. and that was only added to the game recently. This trader is perhaps better served at the Elden Root Temple wayshrine closer to the dolmen
I like marburk these traders are fine.
Greenheart Wayshrine: Why? there is nothing here. You can move it to the Labyrinth Wayshrine wayshrine and that is at least the closest to a dolmen
Verrant Morass Wayshrine: Everyones favourite seeks-better-deals. But so few ever see her, there is an enchanting survey here but not much else should be moved to the more popular Falinesti Wayshrine again because dolmens.
Malabal Tor:
The traders being at the baandari trading post is flavourful but frustrating when Velyn harbour is so well layed out but lacks traders.
Dra'bul Wayshrine: Should be at Wildling Vale wayshrine
Valeguard Wayshrine: Should be at Abamath Wayshrine
you guessed it... dolmens
Reaper's March:
Rawl'kha everyone loves it!
Vinedusk Wayshrine: The most random of guildtraders.. why would anyone be here??? Move to the Moonmount Wayshrine dolmen and Hundings Rage.
Dune Wayshrine: sad Dune no one wants to visit. should be instead at the Fort Sphinixmoth wayshrine. Dolmen and vamp/ww shrines.
Bal foyen and bleakrock are fine
This one is the worst, there is no reason to go to ebonheart except for the jesters fest there isn't even a bank. Move all the Ebonheart traders to Davons watch.
Kragenmoor: You could move the trader out to the ashen road wayshrine or over to the fort Virak wayshrine.. because dolmens
Mournhold is a great trading hub.
Muth Gnaar Hills Wayshrine:??? why. You could move it into Gnasis but I think the Obsidian Gorge wayshrine would see more traffic.
Tal'Deic Grounds Wayshrine: middle of nowhere. should be moved to the slient mire wayshrine.
No complaints all traders next to dolmen wayshrines.
Stormhold is neat
Hissmir: Move to percolating mire
Weeping Wamasu Falls: No I lied this is the most random guild-trader... how would you ever find it? Move to Loresiel or Stillrise
The Rift:
Its odd that the traders are all outside the city its a other wise well layed out city.
Nimalten: nope I forgot about this trader: Move to Gerimund's Hall Wayshrine.
Shors Stone: good enough placement vamp shrine and dolmen.
Daggerfall all good.
Lion Guard Redoubt and Wyrd Tree Wayshrine should both be moved to Aldcroft which is popular dolmen grinding spot and a major safe city. the Redoubt trader is techically close to a dolmen but still a long way away.
Wayrest traders are popular despite the annoying layout of the city.
Stormhaven is kind of awkward for wilderness traders.
Koeglin village: should move this across the map to Wind keep its kind of close to a dolmen and the undaunted delve.
Firebrand keep: this one is pretty random. What should happen instead is that Hammerdeath Arena should get a wayshrine and this trade should be placed there.
Its a little awkward that the traders are outside of shornhelm when they would be better in the central crafting zone.
Oldgate wayshrine: strange to have a trader just as you enter the zone should be moved to Camp Tamrith wayshrine.
Hoarfrost downs: kind of close to shornhelm I'd move this to Sanguine Barrows wayshrine.
Alkir desert:
These guild traders are particularly badly placed considering the zones fame as the home of dolmen farming.
Morwha's bounty wayshrine: super random move to goats head wayshrine
Bergama wayshrine: Move to Aswhala stables wayshrine.
The city of evermore is okay but its wayshrines are outside the city and its easy to get lost.
Bangkorai Pass Wayshrine: why?? nothing here should be moved to Halcyon Lake Wayshrine instead
Halin's Stand: again no reason to be here move to old tower wayshrine
Neutral and DLC Zones
Without dolmens it much harder to pin point where a wilderness trader should be
Court of Contempt Wayshrine: Move to the everful flagon wayshrine which is closer to surveys and the public dungeon
Haj Uxith: err not many good places this seems okay.
So for most of the DLC Zones it seems you learnt.... except.... when it came to vvaadenfel.
Balmore: Basically no reason ever to go to Balmora move these traders to Ald'ruhn where players actually go.
Sadrith Mora: Move this trader to Vos as I am more likely to go there due to delve and WB dailies.
Alinor is a given as a trading hub.
Shimerene: I think since new players will be starting here having a random trader here is okay, that and at least for now players will be taking new characters here to pick up the skill line.
Lillandril: I don't really think these traders are adding a lot, similar to balmora, once the quests are done will anyone ever return here?. I feel like having them on Aretaum as lore breaking as that is would be better.
I am not looking for arguments about a central action house or one huge trading hub. With in the existing system can we improve it by moving these middle of nowhere traders to more popular locations.
Edited by Narvuntien on June 22, 2018 6:53AM