VerboseQuips wrote: »
Nocturnal is the Ur-Dra, meaning she is literally void-born/incarnate. She existed when there was only Anuiel and Sithis. This is first mentioned in one of Kirkbride's half lunatic half genius writings (out of games) and Sotha Sil made it canon in the CWC quest line.
Side note: Unlike other Princes Nocturnal is does not represent a single sphere of influence. The only thing clearly known about her is that shes unknowable, mysterious. That coupled with being an ancient even amongst Princes makes me expect anything from her (my headcanon)
elias.stormneb18_ESO wrote: »Nocturnal's goal isn't do destroy Nirn in Summerset—it is to achieve omnipresence in the entire Aurbis using the Crystal Tower (that is outright stated); whether she cares about Mundial affairs or not is irrelevant. That the goal is to remake Nirn is just something the Triad told their followers. As for Nocturnal's Earl, she needed someone to represent her in the Court of Bedlam (as you said, she can't really be bothered too much with the Mundial affairs herself), and who would be better for the job than someone who is prophesied to bring about the end of the world, like Veya is? Also, all that's said about Nocturnal's age is that she existed before the Mundus was conceived, and that Mephala and Vile are "fledglings" in comparison; that could mean lots of things, but most likely it simply means that Nocturnal's sphere and status as Daedric Prince was established before the other Princes', before the creation of Nirn. There's nothing odd about that—Nocturnal just rose to a position of power before the other Princes distinguished themselves from the countless other et'Ada that existed before time—there is no previous lore that would contradict that idea. This would also explain Nocturnal's title as Ur-dra (although other Princes, like Hermaeus Mora, would lay claim to similar titles).
Maura_Neysa wrote: »
Don't see how this is related at all. It says Harpies, not talking Crows. It suggest Noctyr'a worshiped Debella, but ESO suggested Nocturnal is older than the Deadra.
If anything Elias explanation is the most satisfying of any of them. The only issue I have with his, is that if that is who Nocturnal is and what she wanted, why the ell did the make her come across so petty. Oh and of course if she is so unknowable then again why the epic failure of presence instead of something far less knowing than a Redguard in a Crown Store costume.
For example instead of the "I except your terms" kills him. Why not utter darkness and the Heart and Nocturnal are gone once it lifts.
the Daedra Princes is named Nocturnal, who is often portrayed as a beautiful dark woman holding two black crows. It is not a difficult etymologic trick to derive the name Noctyr-a from Nocturnal, or vice-versa.
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »
The first telling of the story spells out that she gets turned into a 'giant black bird' by the robe. You also missed this line at the end:
Of course it also says she's beautiful which her appearance in Summerset is not, but Redguard fits with the text.
Maura_Neysa wrote: »
Harpies and crows are very different things. As well as this story is in complete opposition to the Summerset one. How is someone who is older than the Daedra also young and niave enough to be tricked my a mortal?
Not to mention stores of a group eating one of there own sounds a whole lot more like a Vermina origin then Nocturnal. That sisterhood was into murder, Sithis, rather than thieving. The only thing even remotely "Norcturnal" about that story is the name Noctyr'a
A lot of the reason why I made this post. Hoping someone could give me something to make this new Nocturnal canon not hurt so much.This lore issue with Nocturnal has bothered me since Clockwork City, but Summerset really doubled down on the lack of consistency. I have tried to come up with some reasonable headcanon to explain it, but I just can't convince myself. Especially after hearing the over-the-top voice acting after every Abyssal Geyser.
And the sound they all make when they die. I swear they just recorded someone actually stepping on a slugI made mention of this in the previously mentioned thread trashing Nocturnal's appearance, but it is almost as if they got Nocturnal confused with Namira. Even the enemies introduced in Summerset seem more appropriate to here sphere of ancient darkness as many are creatures that typically live deep below the city (Yahgra) or in subterranean areas (salamanders), or both (Sload). The Book of Daedra even says Namira "is often associated with spiders, insects, slugs, and other repulsive creatures which inspire mortals with an instinctive revulsion." That sure sounds most of the new creatures added in Summerset. As mentioned in a post above, the whole Ur-Daedra thing makes much more sense for Namira, barring one obscure OOG text.
Beamer_Miasma wrote: »The formation of the Nightingale Trinity is over 7 centuries in the future of ESO (in the next era), it's not at all relevant to anything that happens in ESO. The Nightingales don't exist, they haven't been conceived yet, and nothing the Nightingales ever will do has any effect on the lore of the 2nd era. The item that leads to their formation (Skeleton Key) is at present time in the possession of Divayth Fyr and is not known to resurface until the late 4th century of the 3rd era.
This lore issue with Nocturnal has bothered me since Clockwork City, but Summerset really doubled down on the lack of consistency. I have tried to come up with some reasonable headcanon to explain it, but I just can't convince myself. Especially after hearing the over-the-top voice acting after every Abyssal Geyser.
I made mention of this in the previously mentioned thread trashing Nocturnal's appearance, but it is almost as if they got Nocturnal confused with Namira. Even the enemies introduced in Summerset seem more appropriate to here sphere of ancient darkness as many are creatures that typically live deep below the city (Yahgra) or in subterranean areas (salamanders), or both (Sload). The Book of Daedra even says Namira "is often associated with spiders, insects, slugs, and other repulsive creatures which inspire mortals with an instinctive revulsion." That sure sounds most of the new creatures added in Summerset. As mentioned in a post above, the whole Ur-Daedra thing makes much more sense for Namira, barring one obscure OOG text.
This isn't really the first time this has happened though. The other Big Bad Daedra of the main story, Molag Bal, has some qualities that don't exactly match up with previous lore. Enslavement and domination make sense, but "God of Schemes" sure sounds a lot like his rival Boethiah "The Prince of Plots." Perhaps their rivalry stems from synonym preference. Also, why are the Vaults of Madness located in Coldharbor and not Sheogorath's Shivering Isle as their name would imply?
Maura_Neysa wrote: »
Nightingale Volume II "Our history begins with a well-known tale. The tome "The Real Barenziah IX" mentions that a bard named "Nightingale" tricked Queen Barenziah" Queen Barenziah born 2E 893 Morrowind. Thats only 300 years after ESO (2E 583). Oh and the Skeleton Key is mentioned in the same story, so slightly earlier than the the 3rd Era.
Now it would make sense that the theif of the Skelton Key and Sotha Sil's decsion to hide it is exactly the reason Nocturnal chooses to form the Nightingales. Still only 300 years to turn into the most passive Daedric Prince of them all?
Brief TimelineSide note, how did you get 3E 400 Skeleton Key resurfaces, when Elder Scrolls V is only 4E 201?Spoiler1E 0 First Era begins when King Eplear founds the Camoran Dynasty
1E 242 The first empire of Cyrodiil is formed, the Alessian Empire
1E 700 The Dwemer people disappear suddenly around this time
1E 2920 Last recorded event of the First Era, Morag Tong assassinates the current King of Cyrodiil, King Reman III.
2E 0 At an early, undetermined time, the Dark Brotherhood is formed
2E 230 Vanus Galerion forms The Mages Guild
2E 321 Guilds act is passed, sanctioning many guilds
2E 321 The Fighters Guild is formed
2E 583 Events of Elder Scrolls Online take place
2E 830 Tiber Septim is born
2E 283 Queen Barenziah Born, some years later has a daughter with the first know Nightingale
2E 895 Tiber Septim, also known as Talos, begins conquering Tamriel
2E 897 Tiber Septim declares the Second Era over
3E 399 The events of Elder Scrolls: Arena takes place
3E 405 The events of Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall take place
3E 427 The events of Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind take place
3E 428 The events of Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal take place
3E 429 The events of Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon take place
3E 433 The events of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion takes place
3E 433 The Third Era comes to an end with the close of the Oblivion Crisis
4E 1 The events of the Fourth Era begin with the events of the Knights of the Nine DLC for Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
4E 201 The events of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and all DLC take place
Lore references from UESP
Timeline reference from IGN
I made mention of this in the previously mentioned thread trashing Nocturnal's appearance, but it is almost as if they got Nocturnal confused with Namira. Even the enemies introduced in Summerset seem more appropriate to here sphere of ancient darkness as many are creatures that typically live deep below the city (Yahgra) or in subterranean areas (salamanders), or both (Sload). The Book of Daedra even says Namira "is often associated with spiders, insects, slugs, and other repulsive creatures which inspire mortals with an instinctive revulsion." That sure sounds most of the new creatures added in Summerset. As mentioned in a post above, the whole Ur-Daedra thing makes much more sense for Namira, barring one obscure OOG text.
This isn't really the first time this has happened though. The other Big Bad Daedra of the main story, Molag Bal, has some qualities that don't exactly match up with previous lore. Enslavement and domination make sense, but "God of Schemes" sure sounds a lot like his rival Boethiah "The Prince of Plots."
LickingHistSap wrote: »Nocturnal isn't the most passive Daedric Prince, she's the most discreet Daedric Prince. She's the god of thieves and deceit, none of her plans are obvious or out in the open.
In Summerset, it's shown that Nocturnal has been planning literally every aspect of this plan out since the end of the First Era, presumably starting the moment the Reman Empire fell. That's over 500 years of working via the shadows, and nobody catching a single whiff of her plans during it. Not even the other Daedric Princes were aware of Nocturnals plotting until the last few years, which were the final few steps in her plan. The obvious takeaway from this is that none of Nocturnals plans are obvious to Mortals, and this fits perfectly into her sphere.
Let me reiterate, she spent the last five hundred years plotting this out and planning to steal the power of every other god in existence, with nobody ever catching on to her plans, and no mortals even being aware of this until the last year. How does this NOT fit in Nocturnals sphere?
This lore issue with Nocturnal has bothered me since Clockwork City, but Summerset really doubled down on the lack of consistency. I have tried to come up with some reasonable headcanon to explain it, but I just can't convince myself. Especially after hearing the over-the-top voice acting after every Abyssal Geyser.
I made mention of this in the previously mentioned thread trashing Nocturnal's appearance, but it is almost as if they got Nocturnal confused with Namira. Even the enemies introduced in Summerset seem more appropriate to here sphere of ancient darkness as many are creatures that typically live deep below the city (Yahgra) or in subterranean areas (salamanders), or both (Sload). The Book of Daedra even says Namira "is often associated with spiders, insects, slugs, and other repulsive creatures which inspire mortals with an instinctive revulsion." That sure sounds most of the new creatures added in Summerset. As mentioned in a post above, the whole Ur-Daedra thing makes much more sense for Namira, barring one obscure OOG text.
This isn't really the first time this has happened though. The other Big Bad Daedra of the main story, Molag Bal, has some qualities that don't exactly match up with previous lore. Enslavement and domination make sense, but "God of Schemes" sure sounds a lot like his rival Boethiah "The Prince of Plots." Perhaps their rivalry stems from synonym preference. Also, why are the Vaults of Madness located in Coldharbor and not Sheogorath's Shivering Isle as their name would imply?
Maura_Neysa wrote: »
Nightingale Volume II "Our history begins with a well-known tale. The tome "The Real Barenziah IX" mentions that a bard named "Nightingale" tricked Queen Barenziah" Queen Barenziah born 2E 893 Morrowind. Thats only 300 years after ESO (2E 583). Oh and the Skeleton Key is mentioned in the same story, so slightly earlier than the the 3rd Era.
Now it would make sense that the theif of the Skelton Key and Sotha Sil's decsion to hide it is exactly the reason Nocturnal chooses to form the Nightingales. Still only 300 years to turn into the most passive Daedric Prince of them all?
Brief TimelineSide note, how did you get 3E 400 Skeleton Key resurfaces, when Elder Scrolls V is only 4E 201?Spoiler1E 0 First Era begins when King Eplear founds the Camoran Dynasty
1E 242 The first empire of Cyrodiil is formed, the Alessian Empire
1E 700 The Dwemer people disappear suddenly around this time
1E 2920 Last recorded event of the First Era, Morag Tong assassinates the current King of Cyrodiil, King Reman III.
2E 0 At an early, undetermined time, the Dark Brotherhood is formed
2E 230 Vanus Galerion forms The Mages Guild
2E 321 Guilds act is passed, sanctioning many guilds
2E 321 The Fighters Guild is formed
2E 583 Events of Elder Scrolls Online take place
2E 830 Tiber Septim is born
2E 283 Queen Barenziah Born, some years later has a daughter with the first know Nightingale
2E 895 Tiber Septim, also known as Talos, begins conquering Tamriel
2E 897 Tiber Septim declares the Second Era over
3E 399 The events of Elder Scrolls: Arena takes place
3E 405 The events of Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall take place
3E 427 The events of Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind take place
3E 428 The events of Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal take place
3E 429 The events of Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon take place
3E 433 The events of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion takes place
3E 433 The Third Era comes to an end with the close of the Oblivion Crisis
4E 1 The events of the Fourth Era begin with the events of the Knights of the Nine DLC for Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
4E 201 The events of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and all DLC take place
Lore references from UESP
Timeline reference from IGN