I'm sorry for having to report this; but, it's becoming an issue. For the past week, ever since last week's maintenance and patch, various settings in my settings menu are always deactivated when I log in to a character.
It is usually the Quest Giver Icons, Compass Quest Givers toggle that is always turned off, but it's also the Indicators under Gameplay, most often the Target Glow, Glow Intensity toggle and slider.
Normally I wouldn't bother reporting something so small and relatively insignificant. This had in fact happened many times before but only on occassion, and going into the settings and turning them back on usually still worked when I logged in again the next day. But this time it's on all characters, every time I log.
I don't know if it is just me, or a symptom of something else. I just thought I should mention it.
Thanks for your time. Sorry, again.
"In the darkness all is the same, all is equal. It is the light which casts the shadow, and turns to evil that which simply was." - Me.
mythlover20/The Plant Baron
Officer in Blood Moon Traders trade guild.
Blood Moon Traders is a laid back, werewolf-themed Trade Guild with a stable trader in Sentinel, in the Alik'r Desert. We have weekly raffles and auctions, as well as a variety of events throughout the week, and a monthly Yard Sale. Join us and you'll have access to a fully-stocked Guild Hall, a Discord Server, and a website. In return all we ask for is active participation in our events or making 25k gold in sales each week. Search for Blood Moon Traders in the Guild Finder or message me in-game for an invite.