Hello everyone!
We are a progressive raiding guild on the PC EU server, focusing on end-game hardmode raiding. The guild was created in 2016 by Olibeau together with some old friends as a way we could all learn and practice together. However, our former guildmaster decided to take a step back in the game and gave the leadership over to our dearest Freya.
At Pathfinders we pride ourselves in being not only a guild that has achieved top leaderboard scores, but also providing a relaxed, friendly and sociable raiding atmosphere, that is free from the pressure and toxicity that is often associated with the end-game raiding community. We have an amazing group of experienced and mature players, and we're looking for other like-minded people who are focused, dedicated and friendly. We've completed all veteran trials on hardmode, including Maw Of Lorkhaj, Halls Of Fabrication, Asylum Sanctorium +2 and Cloudrest +3.
Our achieved scores:
Cloudrest: 106,458 (Wolfhunter)
Halls Of Fabrication: 203,830 (Dragon Bones)
Maw Of Lorkhaj: 144,524 (Dragon Bones)
Dragonstar Arena: 46,819 (Dragon Bones)
Aetherian Archive: 145,016 (Clockwork City)
Hel Ra Citadel: 153,200 (Clockwork City)
Sanctum Ophidia: 172,089 (Clockwork City)
Asylum Sanctorium: 74,928 (Clockwork City)
We have two groups: Polaris raiding on Monday and Wednesday and Orion raiding on Tuesday and Thursday. Raids start at 8 PM CEST, for grouping 15 minutes beforehand.

Orion is looking for Magicka DDs. We are always looking for people who'd like to join us anyway as backup. We will require you to have lots of experience in all veteran trials including hardmode prior Summerset as well as good knowledge of the mechanics in vCR. Furthermore, we expect you to be able to cover all raid days of at least one of the groups to maintain a certain stability within the groups. Any applications of exceptional quality for any other roles are always welcome however.
If you have any questions or would like to have a chat with us, please leave a comment, contact us ingame/on Discord
@Freyouz/freya#2394. (:
To apply please head over to our website (
https://pathfinderseso.shivtr.com/). We are looking forward to viewing your application!