lag eu vivec pc

@ZOS_GinaBruno so all 3 factions decide to fight at chalman the server grinds to halt and my client disconnects, can't log back in. the client says I have no internet connection because eso servers cant cope with the load. nothing changes we called for some sort system to limit zerging people including myself even made suggestions. this sort of pvp is not fun and it makes zenimax look bad.
  • Etaniel
    Zenimax just doesn't realise the gem this game's pvp is. It's really the best on the current mmo market. Sadly it will never thrive in such conditions.
    Noricum | Kitesquad


    AR 41 DC DK

  • Bergzorn
    I used to stay away from Vivec because of the bad server performance. It now has come to that also Sotha Sil is unplayable at prime time. It might not be as bad as Vivec, but when I notice considerable skill delay I just log off.

    Overall, the PvP in this game has reached a state where I don't care much anymore. It's not even worth to mimimi, I just log out and do something else.

    Edit: Still, the wasted potential IS a pity.
    Edited by Bergzorn on June 17, 2018 8:52PM
    no CP PvP PC/EU

    EP Zergborn
    DC Zerg Beacon

    guild master, raid leader, janitor, and only member of Zergbored
  • BohnT
    Sometimes i just pray for reverse Zos magic to Kick in.
    Like when grouping and social chats die from one second to another during primetime.
    Or the 0 fall damage bug
    Bone pirate stat bug
    Streak bugs
    Cloak bugs
    "Gapclosers" that created the biggest possible gap by kicking you from the server

    Or bugs that were fixed ages ago and then made it back into the game even though there were no changes done to the abilities.

    If they could inverse this magical power and use it on pvp performance then the game might be playable again, but then i remember willow's path being broken for 2 years and it took them 3 pts incremental patches to fix it.

    If CU is somewhat enjoyable, pvp can be deleted from the game to prevent pvers crying that it's killing their powercreep
  • Xsorus
    There is some serious lag on NA right now, I can't even play somewhat as my magicka templar. I've broken free from CC only to be stuck in stun even after its gone and Jabs is almost useless as I can't even hit NPC's with it.

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