LadyDestiny wrote: »Stealing all the nodes
TheCyberDruid wrote: »LadyDestiny wrote: »Stealing all the nodes
I always 'love' to read that people are 'stealing' nodesYeah, it sucks if you can't find nodes in a zone or if somebody beats you by a second to harvest it, but all the bots I've seen just kill creatures that give leather scraps. So they are just other players that do the same thing you do. If they 'steal' the nodes from you then outsmart/outrun them or just go somewhere else. Except for some motifs there's hardly any resource that you can harvest which is exclusive to a zone.
Btw, you aren't by any chance the person that always complains that 'sorcerers steal all my nodes' in Craglorn zone chat on PC EU?
LadyDestiny wrote: »They are out in full force with summerset. Stealing all the nodes, running trains in every area and text chat is nothing but zone chat spamming endlessly by these people. I sat in craglorn and there was nothing but endless spam of the same item over and over. Then they get angry with you when you tell them to stop spamming. Constant requests to trade by level 3's. They follow around and keep doing it even when you decline.New characters all over summerset and artaeum. I think it was a bad idea opening all zones to any level. Zos made gold farmers worse because of this.
I have no issue with crafters farming. Everyone needs to do it. If you have experienced the bot farmers since Eso was released you might understand what I mean. All the lvl 3's in their prison rags with jgxxkjbdx whatever as their name. Transporting underground was a thing so they couldn't get reported. It's happening again and again as with every new dlc release and new resources come out. As for the trading thing, it's the bots that run around craglorn attempting to trade with you while your at the bank, vender etc. Drives me nuts.I've never had people attempting to trade with me repeatedly out of nowhere, though I have had the occasional person try to trade unsolicited with me, and it's always sort of confused me. In terms of zone spam, I'm an RPer, and I usually have my tab set to an RP tab that has zone turned off so I don't get the spam.
As far as farming goes, I personally do a LOT of farming. I'm going to assume you mean bot trains farming though, and not individual people running a circuit to stockpile mats (I do this with an area in Craglorn that has a really good farming spot). If you mean the latter then yes, ZOS needs to crack down on these things and deal with them. If you mean the former, then eh, hate to say it but us people farming mats are usually crafters and we have just as much right to nodes around the maps as anyone else does.
Savos_Saren wrote: »I have noticed more and more bot farmers and bot trains popping up. (PC/NA)
Go to any beginner zone (where Trainee drops) and you'll see bots farming the nodes. Especially in Bal Foyen. You can spot them easily because they run in very square patterns- pause where a resource would be- and continue. They'll normally be in the original gear you get when you first complete the intro quest. And they'll have stupid names that don't make sense. (IE: someone picked random letters for their name. "FNOEIN")
Bot Trains (a bunch of players grouped together and attacking NPC critters) can be found all over Reaper's March and other regions.
I've reported them- but I don't think ZOS cares as much. See- in order for them to bot farm resources- they usually have an ESO+ subscription (so that their inventories don't get full of mats). It's a win/win for ZOS. They have someone with a subscription AND they can claim that the bot is one of their MILLIONS of players...
DirkRavenclaw wrote: »Im on PC/NA, i play around 10 hours daily and i dont notice anything like that
lordspyder wrote: »
Scorpiodisc wrote: »LadyDestiny wrote: »They are out in full force with summerset. Stealing all the nodes, running trains in every area and text chat is nothing but zone chat spamming endlessly by these people. I sat in craglorn and there was nothing but endless spam of the same item over and over. Then they get angry with you when you tell them to stop spamming. Constant requests to trade by level 3's. They follow around and keep doing it even when you decline.New characters all over summerset and artaeum. I think it was a bad idea opening all zones to any level. Zos made gold farmers worse because of this.
What region and platform do you play on?
I am on PS4 NA I have not run into anything like that...except the chat spam, but that is just how chat is...
Edit to fix phone formatting stupness
lordspyder wrote: »
kendellking_chaosb14_ESO wrote: »lordspyder wrote: »
I stopped seeing the “oygoegvs” names, but the it’s clearly a bot account are still all over the place. Farming is one thing we all have our farm spots but it looks like they run to a node and hit E weather it’s there or not.
lordrichter wrote: »There is also a studio that could go in and at least deal with the bots that farm.
On console, we don't have an ignore button from zone chatting. We can just type in /i {name}, but here's the problem which I can relate with the OP.Lazarus_Rising wrote: »There is an ignore button