At least when it comes to Healing Ward. I can't count the number of times where I've spammed the ability while low health, only to have every single cast hit a teammate that isn't in nearly as much trouble as I am, and this can be a problem even when out of combat. I was all Sloaded/DOT'd up in a BG recently, and cast my ward five times after the enemy players had all died; all five of the Wards hit my nearby teammate, who also had higher health than I did. It seems a bit silly for the shield to be refreshing on one higher health player rather than the lower health one who's casting the ward to begin with. I gave up after the fifth cast and started meditating instead, especially after all the magicka I burned up trying to heal myself.
Also, is it my imagination, or did Healing Ward used to be a frontal 180 degree targeted spell? I'm having mine hit teammates who aren't even on my screen, while I'm being focus fired and they aren't. Barring the "smart" targeting system being improved, I'd really like some method of ensuring that the ward targets myself rather than someone else. Having 180 degree frontal aiming wouldn't be perfect (especially when some builds can chain root so much), but it would indeed help quite a bit.