You know what I think is the worst part about using my magden??
It's not the extremely low damage they provide
It's not the Betty ness preventing me from mounting and interacting with anything pretty darn often.
It's not that a lot of skills take long for animations slowing me down
It isn't the annoying bear which is really there only decent ult to provide a little damage
And it isn't even the fact they are just ruled bad in pve all over for damage.
What I hate the most is they are so fun to play!! The class has such an active playstyle for a mag class and it's skills are fun and I feel so interactive with it. It's hard to play knowing I can do so much better on any other magic class but they just get so boring and stale fast.
I wish they would just get a buff, even a small one just so I can not take 20 minutes to solo a world boss when I can do it in 1 on any other class. Yes that numbers exaggerating but anyone who plays magden will feel that pain. Please zos!! Improve damage a little please!