Looking for guild

Soul Shriven
Hello guys! My boyfriend (27) and me (23) started to play ESO two months ago, Since this we have searched and tried a lot of guilds to find the perfect match for us. Sadly we are yet to find a guild which is active on voice chat.
We usually play around 1-2 hours per day and love to talk & meet other players. For us it is very important to be part of a social guild where we can just relax whilst leveling or questing and be able to talk to others via voice chat.
About us, he is maining a templar healer, while I am playing a stamina warden dps. When you have some other questions or a nice guild for us please write here or pm us in the evening ingame @Welshy90 or @elbye.
  • Dextail

    I highly recommend this guild (https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/412116/resolute-sentinel-esos-first-democratic-guild-is-now-recruiting-pve-pvp-social-eu-pc#latest)

    I’m not a officer nor anyone of importance in there, just a memeber.

    But I too enjoy the social aspect to the game, and went though many guilds before finding one which fit my needs. The guild Always someone to talk to, weekly events, very helpful and the discord is very active and full of helpful people who helped me with stuff.

    It has its own qwerkie theme of being democratic where everyone’s opinions matters. Which is nice but it’s not the real reason I would recommend this guild it’s the social aspec and the people in there!

    Edited by Dextail on June 12, 2018 6:27PM
  • elbye
    Soul Shriven
    We have closed this thread thanks to Dex for providing us with a great guild. :smile:
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