Hi guys i wanted to create this thread to give a place for post summerset 2018 discussion of AA, texture shimmering and other graphical issues that lots of people run into but have no definitive place to find a solution. I have searched endlessly for a working fix and speaking to people in-game, many have this minor issue.
I have really enjoyed this game since starting a few weeks ago but one thing that has slightly bugged me is the 'shimmering/jagged/flickering'' effect on stairs, doors and far away floors in sunlight. Others experience the effect on grass too.
This video is 4 years old but perfectly shows the issue -
There are several fixes people have described in other places and I will list them here. ( None of these have worked or have made any difference for me at all )
-Downloading Reshade or Sweetfx and using their SMAA instead of ESO's default (FXAA).
-Using Nvidia DSR (downsample resolution) to eliminate the jagged edges (very little difference for me unless on 4K but massive performance hit)
-Using Nvidia Control Panel and Nvidia Inspector to force higher anisotropic filtering and AA multisampling
-Downloading the latest graphics drivers from your card manufacturer
-Editing Usersettings and changing MIP_LOAD_SKIP_LEVELS to -3 to increase texture quality beyond ing-ame option
-Renaming Usersettings file and having ESO generate a new file which utilizes all new pushed updates (will actually give you a few FPS for free in most cases)
Now these may work for some people so i encourage those reading to give them a shot, in my case i have not been able to make a dent in this ''shimmering'' issue. I would be fine with jagged edges but even with AA turned off the shimmering continues as shown in the video above. I will edit this post with any other effective/worthwhile fixes if they are suggested. Would be great to get a ZOS response to this but lets try to solve this issue for the many experiencing it in this game.
My specs:
i7 3770K
GTX 680
16GB DDR3 ram