So as most of us know, the upcomming dlcs for the year are a werewolf themed dungeon one [and with any amount of luck, werewolf updates/overhaul] and handbag swamp
and as much as I am looking forward to said dlc, I do admittedly have a singular concern about the dungeon dlc, with said concern being, if they add in a werewolf ability skin [or two] please, please PLEASE make sure that it's accessible [most ww players are not elite enough to get dlc dung challenger achieves].
Simply put, I don't want another dragon bones situation, where getting the skin is so hair pulling frustrating that the 1-2% of players capable of doing said challenge for the skin, have done so and never want to go near it again due to the nightmarish difficulty, while also having literally everybody else unable to get it.
[like me for instance, I'm not the best healer, but I'm good enough..problem is only good tanks i find don't want to go though that hell again, same issue with the dps..thus I have to muster together whoever...and try..and fail..again and again..and again for 300+ times so far