*So I do daily crafting writs on multiple characters like any normal person. Recently I have noticed that when opening my coffers or whatever they're called, when I open the provisioner one and take all my selected item jumps to the recipe I get. This is really annoying. I have already wasted a purple recipe on the wrong character.
*No jewely crafter's sign for housing. I mean just wtf? How did you miss that?
*No jewelry hireling. Why??
*Jewelry crafting is the absolute worst grind in the game. Seams are too rare (yes I know they alternate on the same node as ore), it has taken me way more farming than it should have, and the seams take forever to spawn when they're what spawns next. And don't get me started on platings! I have only got 12 gold grain things so far!
*Then there's the issue of finding jewelry with researchable traits. The first 3 are easy, the rest are horrifically rare and a massive pain in the arse to acquire.
*Finally we move on to GUILDHALL FUNCTIONALITY. I have been bugging you guys about this for MONTHS! I can't believe you haven't added this simple function yet:
Set a home as a Guildhall.
Guild options then have "Travel to Guildhall" probably above Roster.
Maybe even a custom guildhall map marker. You click it and you get a chocie between Guildhall or Player Home... for the guild members who don't own the place.
Guild Master also gets to assign a Primary home.
(Secondary and Tertiary homes should also be something players can set so people can visit more than just our one home.)
Oh, an can we get Ramimilk back plz? Gold is hard enough as it is to come by.
Edited by stitchesofdooom on June 13, 2018 11:26AM Say NO to Crown Crates. Crown Crates are Loot Boxes. Loot Boxes are gambling. Zenimax makes enough money off us.
ESO+ is part of the "Games as a service" trend. A trend that needs to die. Subscribe only when you need Crowns for DLC.
Say no to "radiant" junk quests replacing proper side content and the dumbing down of our favorite franchises.