Attuned Crafting table bug

I own a lIngham grand manor, and have every set attuned and placed into the house. My guild mates are consistently having a bug that keeps them from being interacted with. All I have to do is pick up one station and set it back down, and it fixes every single station in the house. My gripe is that I have to stop whatever I'm doing and go do this anytime someone wants to use my tables. Can we get some attention to this, it's been going on with this house since its release.
  • Pyr0xyrecuprotite
    This issue has been reported in several other threads. It appears to be related to using artificial platforms for the crafting stations, rather than the ground in the house. Wooden platforms and tables are not registering as "floors" for the purposes of the crafting stations - or the crafting stations load before the floors do, and are in effect improperly placed when people try to use them. ZoS have not acknowledged this issue yet, but it's well known.... :(
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