I dont normally post because its ultimately pointless but ive been paying for and playing this game for over 4 years so i think i have a right to share my current opinions.
1. The group members in different instances you said you 'fixed' is now worse than ever.
2. Battleground queues are ridiculous! putting pre mades against solo is madness.
3. The introduction of sets like sloads and the power creep of oblivion damage has made any form of pvp meaningless as death recap just shows damage health damage health damage health sloads.
4. The pve content is so face roll easy it may aswell not even be there.
5. The lag and incompatibility with add ons is worse than ever.
6. The addition of jewelry crafting nodes into blacksmith nodes is just lazy.
7. The ability to bar swap is slower than ever,
8. The inability to cc break or getting multiple cc one after the other is beyond a joke.
There are more but im just sat here negging myself out as i write this so ill stop.
I would love to watch the developers actually play this game on a twitch channel to see them test it and see their ability on it as i watched the bethesda stream when they did normal cloudrest and it was quite clear they had no idea how to play their own game.
So my question is why have you broken this game? was it intentional or like multiple mistakes from incompetence? You have so much content and lore and background to play with, you have a loyal and large player base who want the game to succeed and you have a boat load of money! So please do a better job!
If this game was a race horse it would have been turned into dog food and glue a long time ago but hey... nice new mounts at least to keep it limping on.