Why have you broken your game?

I dont normally post because its ultimately pointless but ive been paying for and playing this game for over 4 years so i think i have a right to share my current opinions.

1. The group members in different instances you said you 'fixed' is now worse than ever.
2. Battleground queues are ridiculous! putting pre mades against solo is madness.
3. The introduction of sets like sloads and the power creep of oblivion damage has made any form of pvp meaningless as death recap just shows damage health damage health damage health sloads.
4. The pve content is so face roll easy it may aswell not even be there.
5. The lag and incompatibility with add ons is worse than ever.
6. The addition of jewelry crafting nodes into blacksmith nodes is just lazy.
7. The ability to bar swap is slower than ever,
8. The inability to cc break or getting multiple cc one after the other is beyond a joke.

There are more but im just sat here negging myself out as i write this so ill stop.

I would love to watch the developers actually play this game on a twitch channel to see them test it and see their ability on it as i watched the bethesda stream when they did normal cloudrest and it was quite clear they had no idea how to play their own game.

So my question is why have you broken this game? was it intentional or like multiple mistakes from incompetence? You have so much content and lore and background to play with, you have a loyal and large player base who want the game to succeed and you have a boat load of money! So please do a better job!
If this game was a race horse it would have been turned into dog food and glue a long time ago but hey... nice new mounts at least to keep it limping on.
  • Stebarnz
    Cant believe i forgot to mention the NB cloak because that crap needs a rework its the stupidest stupid that ever did stupid!
  • Gprime31
    ”crosses arms and stomps feet” not playing with you anymore zos. Lmao
  • Scorpiodisc
    Broken? It sounds like you just had a bad day of PvP to me.
  • TequilaFire
    Yes cloak should get it's dot purge back and cost less and last longer. ;)
    Edited by TequilaFire on June 9, 2018 12:02AM
  • redshirt_49
    1. In the past 4 weeks of playing dungeons constantly, I've had this happen exactly once.
    2. Premades will be premades, but if you are in a pug team that is bad you are going to do badly, premades or not.
    3. Learn to use impen and reinforced and for god's sake use healing skills. Oblivion damage is not powerful enough on its own to do meaningful damage if your setup is correct.
    4. The overland stuff isn't supposed to be hard. Players with CPs at their backs will find it a breeze, yes. But new players without CP won't find it nearly as easy. The veteran content exists for a reason.
    5. I'm using 20 add-ons at any given time, all of which work flawlessly. Maybe you need to run some updates?
    6. The nodes are seperate, I'm not quite sure what you are referring to. If I have any issue with JC it's how slow the skill progresses.
    7. Bar swapping speed seems to be related to your ping. Also, it helps to keep the skills you need the most on your one bar and your support skills on the other. But even so, I find I can switch and cast a skill and switch back in under a second still, so I'm not sure what you mean.
    8. Yeah it is kinda non-functional atm. Wonder what's up with that.

    Even so, none of this stuff is a big deal. Bugs happen, performance has its ups and downs. This is the way of online gaming but at the end of the day I'd still stick with this game over any other alternative out there.

    And certainly you venting your rage in this asinine manner will not get your complaints heard or taken seriously.

    Say, how many people do you know who will sit there and get yelled at that their stuff is garbage and that they are incompetent and then try to accomodate you and listen to you? Would you?
  • geonsocal
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • DanteYoda
    I agree.. except open world its not face roll i die a lot..

    And wtf is up with bar swapping.. They make us use the abomination but then it breaks...
    Edited by DanteYoda on June 9, 2018 12:31AM
  • ADarklore
    1. In the past 4 weeks of playing dungeons constantly, I've had this happen exactly once.
    2. Premades will be premades, but if you are in a pug team that is bad you are going to do badly, premades or not.
    3. Learn to use impen and reinforced and for god's sake use healing skills. Oblivion damage is not powerful enough on its own to do meaningful damage if your setup is correct.
    4. The overland stuff isn't supposed to be hard. Players with CPs at their backs will find it a breeze, yes. But new players without CP won't find it nearly as easy. The veteran content exists for a reason.
    5. I'm using 20 add-ons at any given time, all of which work flawlessly. Maybe you need to run some updates?
    6. The nodes are seperate, I'm not quite sure what you are referring to. If I have any issue with JC it's how slow the skill progresses.
    7. Bar swapping speed seems to be related to your ping. Also, it helps to keep the skills you need the most on your one bar and your support skills on the other. But even so, I find I can switch and cast a skill and switch back in under a second still, so I'm not sure what you mean.
    8. Yeah it is kinda non-functional atm. Wonder what's up with that.

    Even so, none of this stuff is a big deal. Bugs happen, performance has its ups and downs. This is the way of online gaming but at the end of the day I'd still stick with this game over any other alternative out there.

    And certainly you venting your rage in this asinine manner will not get your complaints heard or taken seriously.

    Say, how many people do you know who will sit there and get yelled at that their stuff is garbage and that they are incompetent and then try to accomodate you and listen to you? Would you?

    Apparently you don't realize that NO, the jewelry seams are NOT separate, they are shared with metal nodes. If you did any farming, you would have noticed that. I believe they said 25% of metal nodes are now shared with jewelry seams.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Own
    #1 is realted to invisible group members. Still getting stuck in loading screens. Guards are invisible stopping solo flipping flags, aoe doesnt hit them
  • Stebarnz
    Some people think im venting rage? no rage just points that i think are putting the game in its worst position yet.

    Just my opinions however people will play how they want to and devs will implement new and interesting bugs how they want to, which is why in 4 years of playing i rarely post on here as it is pointless.

    whoever thinks sloads isnt a bad set hasnt played against it and had it stacked on them, no amount of resistance or impen matters as it is unmitigatable, gl with heals.

    Overland stuff used to be zone based and challenging based on level now all easy no matter level.

    Must just be my performance then if everyone else getting no kicks and instant skill response.

    Please dont respond if you dont know what you are talking about, ty.

  • Orange_fire_dragon
    Well done!

    You first rant about several things but then sneakily turned it into complaints about nightblades destroying any points you even tried to have!
  • Stebarnz
    Piraja27 wrote: »
    Well done!

    You first rant about several things but then sneakily turned it into complaints about nightblades destroying any points you even tried to have!

    where is a 'complaint' about nightblades?

    The skill cloak needs a rework, is this statement a complaint? i dont think it is as i play 3 nb's in my stable, mag and stam and i also play against them, i can play meta or against it, whatever changes get made i can adapt easily, i would just like the game as a whole to be better.

    My point is, the skill cloak needs a rework, 1 slight touch either way it becomes crazy op or unusable, hence the word rework instead of nerf.

    Also to 'rant' implies anger, im not angry, frustrated and feeling let down yes, but not angry. I dont get angry over a game.
  • Casterial
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