Yeah. This waiting times are ridiculous. 30 mins and more. No wonder no one wants to play bg atm. The game sucks so hard since last patch.
The matchmaking for bgs is complete garbage since the patch.
Please improve the following points:
Wait times are over 30 minutes per game for veterans.
Solo players still getting matched against premades.
Groups are not filled with 4 players... when the game starts
New players still face veterans and premades... (veterans log on small characters because of long wait times... and the brilliant idea of character based daily boxes...)
MMR and matchmaking not fully explained in the patchnotes.
The first step: explain your masterpiece of matchmaking system to your paying playerbase so we can give proper feedback
To be honest for a dev team with your experience and a studio with that much money... thats just a shameful display...
Peekachu99 wrote: »Queues should be separate, full stop. If you queue up with even one other person, you wait till it matches you with another set of 2.
Apache_Kid wrote: »Peekachu99 wrote: »Queues should be separate, full stop. If you queue up with even one other person, you wait till it matches you with another set of 2.
The queues should be set up in whichever way causes me to find a match the fastest.
But then again i can actually handle losing and don't come to the message boards to make a thread whining about how a clearly superior team beat me and how bad pre-mades are every time i lose a match (you know who you are) .
Sometimes i win sometimes i lose. Almost every time i lose, it's because the other team was better than my team. That is ok.
That's not sporting. If teams were matched evenly starting out, on a level playing field (read even team selection), that would be sporting. What you're describing isn't that.
Its now open for all so lots new players will try it, also the xp and ap bonuses even then loosing make it tempting to run an noob or junk build trough it, and yes its as nice as getting fake in an vet dlc.Apache_Kid wrote: »What sucks is that BGs during the Dragon Bones patch was the most fun ive had in PvP in this game. And now we have this. Sad.
The matchmaking for bgs is complete garbage since the patch.
Please improve the following points:
Wait times are over 30 minutes per game for veterans.
Solo players still getting matched against premades.
Groups are not filled with 4 players... when the game starts
New players still face veterans and premades... (veterans log on small characters because of long wait times... and the brilliant idea of character based daily boxes...)
MMR and matchmaking not fully explained in the patchnotes.
The first step: explain your masterpiece of matchmaking system to your paying playerbase so we can give proper feedback
To be honest for a dev team with your experience and a studio with that much money... thats just a shameful display...
Apache_Kid wrote: »Peekachu99 wrote: »Queues should be separate, full stop. If you queue up with even one other person, you wait till it matches you with another set of 2.
The queues should be set up in whichever way causes me to find a match the fastest.
But then again i can actually handle losing and don't come to the message boards to make a thread whining about how a clearly superior team beat me and how bad pre-mades are every time i lose a match (you know who you are) .
Sometimes i win sometimes i lose. Almost every time i lose, it's because the other team was better than my team. That is ok.
Except that isn't the case. You can sit in BG for many matches, and be matched up against premades the entire time.
Even Alcast streamed the new BG and had this issue. In the end he just gave up on BG because it was just straight premades stomping his PUG groups. They weren't even scoring.
That's not sporting. If teams were matched evenly starting out, on a level playing field (read even team selection), that would be sporting. What you're describing isn't that.
If another team is superior after you've been matched fairly, that would be a fair win. But what is actually happening is that the system stacks a premade team with a far superior advantage against a PUG team or two that is at a far larger disadvantage. This creates a huge gap between the teams, to the point that you commonly have matches where its 5XX/0/0.
Again, this wouldn't be as bad of a problem if it didn't happen so frequently. Queuing into BG PUGs you are far more likely to get stomped by a premade than you are to have a fair match against other PUGs.
How is it remotely even or fair to have matches so badly skewed that the other 2 teams can't even score points?
i swear eso is the only place were people call a team "premades" never heard that before and iv'e played fps games since 2007.
NeillMcAttack wrote: »You can not queue if you are in a group. So why are we complaining about pre-mades?
NeillMcAttack wrote: »You can not queue if you are in a group. So why are we complaining about pre-mades?
The way matchmaking works, as far as I can tell. To balance a high MMR player, it only needs to balance 1 more high mmr player for each team, and then fills out with all the players that just want dailies done or whatever. It’s not that you need to wait for another 11 high MMR players to start a game.
If you are waiting for more than 10 mins the queue is bugged and you should reset it. 9 times out of 10 you will have one within minutes.
Finally, BG’s are one of the only things that are fun right now in the game. Trials and Cyro are pretty broken and causing a lot of people to lose faith in the games future. Sure there are rare instances of a skill needing more than one press, but overall, the games are more balanced and performance seems.. fine.