Role playing group

I started Role playing last year in games; Especially in GTA where im currently deputy director of a good size community. Well Ive been away from ESO for awhile but wanted to get back into it and thought that this game may be great for role playing, ive always loved the lore of elder scrolls and was wondering if any xbox RP groups exist or if anyone would be interested in creating one.. This could help with missions, dungeons even riding out together in PvP defending our forts; as well as just completely creating your identity as a elder scrolls character will your race, style and back story. Would love to get this going. Hope people already do this and if not i hope some would be interested! Thanks!
  • Elissae
    May I suggest you take a look at the ESO-RP community over here;
    and make sure to join their Discord! :smile:
  • Cpt_Teemo
    Stormrage > Goldshire

  • Discoman94
    Elissae wrote: »
    May I suggest you take a look at the ESO-RP community over here;
    and make sure to join their Discord! :smile:

    Wow im glad to see so many that are interested in Role playing! Sadly it seems this discord is pc based and I'm on xbox.. Im guessing xbox community will be a lot smaller
    Edited by Discoman94 on June 8, 2018 2:17AM
  • Malacthulhu
    Have you asked on the eso xboxone facebook community? I don't roleplay in games...well I do but, just me myself and I. I pretend I am roleplayer trapped in a game trying to find the way out and talk in character, then flip it around on people when they ask me a question about my build and announce I am going out of character. Kind of like having a split personality which I find adds alot to my game play. When they ask about a toon I am not logged in on I will often change my voice to the one I use for that toon an pretend I am logged in as such.
    Edited by Malacthulhu on June 8, 2018 2:27AM
    Xbox One Na
  • Discoman94
    Have you asked on the eso xboxone facebook community? I don't roleplay in games...well I do but, just me myself and I. I pretend I am roleplayer trapped in a game trying to find the way out and talk in character, then flip it around on people when they ask me a question about my build and announce I am going out of character. Kind of like having a split personality which I find adds alot to my game play. When they ask about a toon I am not logged in on I will often change my voice to the one I use for that toon an pretend I am logged in as such.
    That's funny, would u be interwsted in RPing with others? Would love to start a group RP ing as a army or squad where we can support each other with roles and our characters crafting skills and go into PvP defending our castles.. I just like idea of feeling immersed
  • Elissae
    Discoman94 wrote: »

    Wow im glad to see so many that are interested in Role playing! Sadly it seems this discord is pc based and I'm on xbox.. Im guessing xbox community will be a lot smaller

    It's for all platforms, with subsections in the discord.
  • phaneub17_ESO
    Cpt_Teemo wrote: »
    Stormrage > Goldshire


    Needs more Worgen and Space Goat.
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