lordspyder wrote: »Alcast has a great guide on his site that's not a video, 99% I just marked the spot he showed on my map and that was close enough to get me there
It can be a pain. Only one of my characters had most of the wayshrines discovered, so with the guide it took me around 4 hours of non stop play to max out the skill line and about 50k gold in total to port to next wayshrines after closing the breach.
In comparison, I have also maxed it out on another alt (which is my main now) who didn't have any wayshrines discovered apart from like first 2 zones. It took over 12 hours. I was so mind numb and burnt out on it, I stopped playing for a few days. I think one breach per zone would have been enough. Really want the skill line for my mag DK as well but when I opened his map.... Oh dear. I'm not sure if I want to sacrifice an entire day off for it
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »The unable to quickslot is pure BS, especially for something you have to reference multiple times in a same quest.
SquareSausage wrote: »Is it just me or does anyone else think these quests are pure pain to complete.
With 'The Psijic’s Calling' you get a little map found in your quest items that you can't quick slot and just becomes a pain to have to continuously open inventory and then scroll to quest items to view to try and get to the right location.
Breaches on the Bay was even worse as i had no idea where Iliac bay was, I presumed it was summerset but infact its most of the DC tract of land to the North West of Tamriel. Same with this, you cant quick slot the map and had to resort to a youtube video to find the place and the numerous rift locations.
Could it be possible to have the areas marked on the game map rather than have to go through the rigmorale of inventory opening and closing to compare two maps, and with the 2nd quest please indicate better where the region is and not just name it.
Half of them (follow the lights) are basically a modification of the hunter / "Hound" type quests in AD.SquareSausage wrote: »So some people enjoy this quest.
I can not agree with those sentiments, I think its entirely boring and lazy content there simply to fill out time, having to endlessly run and port to different zones over and over again is excedingly mind numbing. The fact that I will have to do this on upto 15 characters makes my mind melt. Would rather redo the harborage, lol.
jedtb16_ESO wrote: »
for breaches on the bay... if you were paying attention, the woman says 'i hope you can help in alikir' or words to that effect.
how much more of a hint do you need?
She is a redguard...where do they come from? DC territory...it doesnt take much to realize that is where you should be looking, and then pull up the world map to match it to the map she gave you and voila!
SquareSausage wrote: »
I looked all over the map in indiviual zones, I did not realise it was the whole region encompassing several zones which the map was showing, that is what threw me.
I've never seen a map as a quest aid in ESO that does that, all maps I've previously encountered were 'Zone' maps showing only 1 locale.