The Psijic’s Calling & Breaches on the Bay

Is it just me or does anyone else think these quests are pure pain to complete.

With 'The Psijic’s Calling' you get a little map found in your quest items that you can't quick slot and just becomes a pain to have to continuously open inventory and then scroll to quest items to view to try and get to the right location.

Breaches on the Bay was even worse as i had no idea where Iliac bay was, I presumed it was summerset but infact its most of the DC tract of land to the North West of Tamriel. Same with this, you cant quick slot the map and had to resort to a youtube video to find the place and the numerous rift locations.

Could it be possible to have the areas marked on the game map rather than have to go through the rigmorale of inventory opening and closing to compare two maps, and with the 2nd quest please indicate better where the region is and not just name it.
Edited by SquareSausage on June 6, 2018 1:08PM
Breakfast King
  • Aliyavana
    More boring than painful
  • Iselin
    Better than YT videos:

    Works especially good if you have a tablet to keep his maps handy.
    Edited by Iselin on June 6, 2018 12:52PM
  • lordspyder
    Alcast has a great guide on his site that's not a video, 99% I just marked the spot he showed on my map and that was close enough to get me there
  • SquareSausage
    Boring yes, very much so.

    Thanks for the guides.

    Surely when you have to resort to player made guides for a quest, it means the quest is badly designed, I think ZoS should try and make the quests more accessible for players and not have to run a 2nd computer to view locations.
    Breakfast King
    PS4 EU
  • profundidob16_ESO
    lordspyder wrote: »
    Alcast has a great guide on his site that's not a video, 99% I just marked the spot he showed on my map and that was close enough to get me there

    I collected the first 3 psijic levels purely on the in-game map before I decided to have a look at Alcast's guide and I haven't done any part of it since without having his maps open :) 10 times faster because you know the exact spot to run to whereas the ingame map and popup message appears even when you're miles off. Very frustrating
  • red_emu
    It can be a pain. Only one of my characters had most of the wayshrines discovered, so with the guide it took me around 4 hours of non stop play to max out the skill line and about 50k gold in total to port to next wayshrines after closing the breach.

    In comparison, I have also maxed it out on another alt (which is my main now) who didn't have any wayshrines discovered apart from like first 2 zones. It took over 12 hours. I was so mind numb and burnt out on it, I stopped playing for a few days. I think one breach per zone would have been enough. Really want the skill line for my mag DK as well but when I opened his map.... Oh dear. I'm not sure if I want to sacrifice an entire day off for it :disappointed:
    PC - EU:
    Falathren Noctis - AD MagNecro
    Falathren - AD StamSorc
    Falathren Eryndaer - AD StamDen
    Falathren Irimion - AD MagPlar
    Talagan Falathren - AD StamDK
    Falathren Infernis - AD MagDK
    Your-Ex - AD MagBlade
  • Iselin
    red_emu wrote: »
    It can be a pain. Only one of my characters had most of the wayshrines discovered, so with the guide it took me around 4 hours of non stop play to max out the skill line and about 50k gold in total to port to next wayshrines after closing the breach.

    In comparison, I have also maxed it out on another alt (which is my main now) who didn't have any wayshrines discovered apart from like first 2 zones. It took over 12 hours. I was so mind numb and burnt out on it, I stopped playing for a few days. I think one breach per zone would have been enough. Really want the skill line for my mag DK as well but when I opened his map.... Oh dear. I'm not sure if I want to sacrifice an entire day off for it :disappointed:

    Try having 12 characters :)

    I've only been able to stomach it all the way to rank 10 on one so far. The others I just did the Summerset part, which I could probably do blindfolded now, just so I can see the Psijic loot portals when I run into one. I'll get around to doing it on the other ones some day.
  • SquareSausage
    Yep the thought of having to do this on all characters is blowing my mind.

    I'm doing it on my main character now who is a crafter but also a completionist and im not even finished part 1.

    The thought of all these damn portals on my pvp characters is soul destroying.
    Breakfast King
    PS4 EU
  • Gythral
    It's a Horse Simulator - same as Alliance War just 1/10000000 as boring or long winded, much more fun than trying to get Caltrops ...
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • Merlin13KAGL
    The unable to quickslot is pure BS, especially for something you have to reference multiple times in a same quest.

    What I generally do for a quest like this (where I'm unfamiliar with the location, or just flat out forget, because I've been everywhere so many dozens' of times), is pull up the quest in the Journal, then hit the (M)ap key.

    Occasionally it will give you something useless, like the interior map of a delve you're going to, etc, but most of the time, it will at least narrow it down to a zone for you.

    It's officially the lamest 'filler quest' material they've come up with so far, and aside from the dialogue between ranks, it's literally all there is to it.

    You'd think they would at least have worked in the ability/need to use some of the Psijic skills somewhere in there.

    EDIT: They could at least have the courtesy to remove the 'X' on the completed ones. There's a couple times I lost a decent amount of time because I ended up pursuing them in a different order than originally planned, so I wandered around a bit, looking for one I had actually already closed.

    I realize that's my own fault, but irritating nonetheless. Pick a pattern and stick with it (no matter how much doubling back may be required), whether clockwise, North to South, etc. It will help a little, at least.

    Edited by Merlin13KAGL on June 6, 2018 1:27PM
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Gythral
    Just use 'Map Pins' if on PC or a printer if not
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • Kagukan
    I used the Alcast guide. So much easier. It does get a little repetitive but overall I didn't feel like it was a horrible pain in the butt.
  • Sandman929
    It seems like the goal is to get me to go to places that I have no other reason for ever going to again. If that's the case, it worked. I thought it was tedious, but I'm still working through it on my first character. The next several times I'll have to drag myself through this boredom will be faster.
  • Malacthulhu
    I really like summerset they did a good job on a lot of things but, ya after the 3rd goffer (go for this go for that) I thought it was some kind of joke and basically it was like that till level 10. Very boring, for such an important thing they should have put more into the quests but, I guess they got lazy with it or ran out of time.
    Xbox One Na
  • phileunderx2
    For console I will be taking pics with my phone of the freaking map that should be quick slottable.
  • AlnilamE
    The unable to quickslot is pure BS, especially for something you have to reference multiple times in a same quest.

    This is the biggest issue. On PC, Lost Treasure keeps a small version of the map on your screen after you looked at it, so it's an easy reference. But the map should be slottable for sure.

    Other than that, if you spent any time hunting down surveys, the maps are really easy to read, and the Augur will very often give you a very clear hint of where the rift is once you get close.

    I'm working on my second character and it's much faster the second time around.
    The Moot Councillor
  • josiahva
    No. The quests were simple...all you have to do is look at the map, go to the general area and look around. There was only one rift out of all of them I had even a small amount of trouble locating...I didn't read any guides or get any help at all. You just have to look at this quest line as exploration content...and it does that well
  • Royaji
    First of all, the NPC who gives you the first map (the Iliac Bay one) even has a bit of dialog where she talks about being afraid that the portals are appearing in Alikr since it is her homeland. You can't really blame the game for not giving you enoug hints and explanations if you just click through them.

    The actual rift hunting is actually not that bad too. If you follow a couple of simple rules.
    1. Maps do not point at exact locations. Only use them to get into the range where you can use the Augur.
    2. Listen to the damn Augur. And I mean it. Turn on subtittles/NPC speach in chat if you have to. Most of the time he gives you the precise location of the rift.
    3. Portals actually have a quest pin pointing to them. You can't see it on the map but you can see it on the compass. So once you feel like you are close to the next rift and the surroundings match the Augur's description take a look around you. Most likely there is a pin on you compass pointing at the rift (helps a lot with rifts above and below you).
  • kwisatz
    Said I love it in another thread. I really hope to see a lot of those Scavenger Hunt quests in a future. I enjoy so much with the funny reflexions of the Augur, and looking around trying to figure out where the breach can be...
    No guides, no videos, no help... the old school ways, and a lot of fun!
    Edited by kwisatz on June 6, 2018 3:37PM
  • SquareSausage
    So some people enjoy this quest.

    I can not agree with those sentiments, I think its entirely boring and lazy content there simply to fill out time, having to endlessly run and port to different zones over and over again is excedingly mind numbing. The fact that I will have to do this on upto 15 characters makes my mind melt. Would rather redo the harborage, lol.
    Breakfast King
    PS4 EU
  • idk
    Yes, it was a grind, but I think the quests are more about the skull's dialogue as it was well written. Many threads on this subject during the past couple weeks.
  • jedtb16_ESO
    Is it just me or does anyone else think these quests are pure pain to complete.

    With 'The Psijic’s Calling' you get a little map found in your quest items that you can't quick slot and just becomes a pain to have to continuously open inventory and then scroll to quest items to view to try and get to the right location.

    Breaches on the Bay was even worse as i had no idea where Iliac bay was, I presumed it was summerset but infact its most of the DC tract of land to the North West of Tamriel. Same with this, you cant quick slot the map and had to resort to a youtube video to find the place and the numerous rift locations.

    Could it be possible to have the areas marked on the game map rather than have to go through the rigmorale of inventory opening and closing to compare two maps, and with the 2nd quest please indicate better where the region is and not just name it.

    for breaches on the bay... if you were paying attention, the woman says 'i hope you can help in alikir' or words to that effect.

    how much more of a hint do you need?
  • Merlin13KAGL
    So some people enjoy this quest.

    I can not agree with those sentiments, I think its entirely boring and lazy content there simply to fill out time, having to endlessly run and port to different zones over and over again is excedingly mind numbing. The fact that I will have to do this on upto 15 characters makes my mind melt. Would rather redo the harborage, lol.
    Half of them (follow the lights) are basically a modification of the hunter / "Hound" type quests in AD.

    At least those felt like there was some purpose, as you were actually tracking (maybe since you have to sneak to see the clues?)

    The others just lacked imagination. The first set may have been cool, but they could have come up with something different for the rest.

    I get it. It's a combination of requiring a certain amount of time, and opening some new areas/unlocking wayshrines (requiring more time)

    I, too, will pain my way through it on alts, but I certainly won't be in a big hurry to do so.

    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • josiahva
    She is a redguard...where do they come from? DC doesnt take much to realize that is where you should be looking, and then pull up the world map to match it to the map she gave you and voila!
  • SquareSausage

    for breaches on the bay... if you were paying attention, the woman says 'i hope you can help in alikir' or words to that effect.

    how much more of a hint do you need?
    josiahva wrote: »
    She is a redguard...where do they come from? DC doesnt take much to realize that is where you should be looking, and then pull up the world map to match it to the map she gave you and voila!

    I looked all over the map in indiviual zones, I did not realise it was the whole region encompassing several zones which the map was showing, that is what threw me.

    I've never seen a map as a quest aid in ESO that does that, all maps I've previously encountered were 'Zone' maps showing only 1 locale.
    Breakfast King
    PS4 EU
  • Iselin

    I looked all over the map in indiviual zones, I did not realise it was the whole region encompassing several zones which the map was showing, that is what threw me.

    I've never seen a map as a quest aid in ESO that does that, all maps I've previously encountered were 'Zone' maps showing only 1 locale.

    Don't let the... whatever get you down.

    I did this on the PTS on the first day Summerset was live and I also happened to be one of the very first to patch and log-in that day. There were no posts and no guides anywhere. And I had the same exact reaction you did:

    First I assumed the second map was also in Summerset then I had no idea I was looking at a map with 3 zones. I actually googled Iliac Bay and only then did I start looking in the right place. It was only after that that the map scale started to make sense and I started to be able to see the zone boundaries, major roads and the rough representation of towns.
  • Ojustaboo
    Don't forget to make sure it's your active quest, mine kept changing every time I started the next bit and I had to reselect it.

    That way, when your close to the breach, a quest marker shows up.
  • VaranisArano
    On the PTS, I strongly recommended that ZOS make the quest map a quickslottable item like survey maps so it was easy to double check rift locations.

    They did not, and I used Alcast's maps to find the rifts instead.
  • Karthos
  • ChiknAriseMcFro
    This comment may be deleted for what I'm about to say but I don't care because I'm right. Not making the maps slottable is terrible, not simply poor, but absolute garbage game design. Somebody deserves at minimum an unpaid suspensieon. Knowing what I know about ZoS though the person would get a promotion for making something for us to be annoyed by because it's become very clear that ZoS hates its player base.
    Edited by ChiknAriseMcFro on September 10, 2018 12:17AM
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