What is the reward structure for Cloudrest both normal and vet?

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I believe that the side bosses drop hands and feet. Also when I did nCR +0 I got a weapon. So I am guessing you only get weapons on +0 but I am not sure.

Best Answer

  • Surazel

    On Veteran:
    +0 perfect weapons
    +1 perfect Armor
    +2 purple Jewls
    +3 gold jewls

    That means you could also get weapons in +1 and so on...

    Answer ✓
  • profundidob16_ESO
    I believe that the side bosses drop hands and feet. Also when I did nCR +0 I got a weapon. So I am guessing you only get weapons on +0 but I am not sure.

    on normal +3 gives purple jewelry at end boss all the time (not to be confused with the one-time-weekly reward from the quest when doing it first time of the week)
  • WrathOfInnos
    Not sure about the entire structure, but I can give a few data points.

    Normal +0 gives 3 non-perfected armor and 1 non-perfected weapon

    Normal +3 gives 1 non-perfected weapon, 1 non-perfected purple jewelry, and 2 non-perfected armor pieces

    Vet +0 gives 3 non-perfected armor and 1 perfected weapon

    Vet+1 gives 2 non-perfected armor, 1 perfected armor, and 1 perfected weapon
  • ErMurazor
    You need 5 pieces perfected to get the magicka bonus or u get 1k magicka for each piece u equip?
  • John_Falstaff
    @ErMurazor , no, just 1k magicka if you equip all five perfected pieces.
  • ErMurazor
    @John_Falstaff Thanks, how hard is Cloudrest +2 on normal compared to vet? Is it pugable?
  • ezio45
    I really hate how they did the drop layout here. It's more confusing than the actual trial mechanics lol

    Has to be a better way to do this in the future
  • Wolfahm
    its a perfectly fine way to do drops.. it lets people of all levels access tiers of gear.

    the motif frags also drop from a scale of 1 to 10 from +0 normal to +3 vet

    |Wolf Ahm the Unchained|
    - 4 Nightblades | 3 Stam/1 Mag -
    - 2 Templars | Stam/Healer -
    - 2 Sorc | Stam/Mag -
    - 2 Wardens | Stam/Mag -
    - 1 DK | Tank/Stam -
    || Aldmeri Dominion ||

  • sudaki_eso
    ErMurazor wrote: »
    @John_Falstaff Thanks, how hard is Cloudrest +2 on normal compared to vet? Is it pugable?

    Did it yesterday with a pug group. it started very bad cause some people didnt know some mechanics and we wiped a couple of times. after replacing them (they didnt react to what the crown was saying) we did it . its doable.
    PS4 EU - StamDK
  • John_Falstaff
    @ErMurazor , it is puggable; depends on experience of pugs, nCR+3 takes some getting used to, but after some runs it's not difficult. People have to remember mechanics, stack together and keep in mind what to target first. It gets confusing for new people at first, especially if fight spreads out and everyone gets disoriented, but it's curable with a bit of practice, people pug it from Craglorn all the time.

    Mind though, perfected pieces don't drop on normal, no matter how many bosses you take in a single fight.
  • highkingnm
    Wolfahm wrote: »
    its a perfectly fine way to do drops.. it lets people of all levels access tiers of gear.

    the motif frags also drop from a scale of 1 to 10 from +0 normal to +3 vet

    Fragments don't drop below nCR +3. It's 1 for n +3, 2 for v +0, 4 for +v +1 6 or 8 (can't recall) for v +2 and 10 for v +3. No fragments drop for nCR +0 - +2.
  • highkingnm
    ErMurazor wrote: »
    @John_Falstaff Thanks, how hard is Cloudrest +2 on normal compared to vet? Is it pugable?

    It's anywhere from easy to impossible on PUGs. If people know mechs or are willing to learn them it can be fine. I've done it with PUGs before up to +2 (+3 just requires coordination you will not usually get with PUGs). +2 can get stressful, but if you run a Discord then you'll very likely clear it, maybe with a couple of wipes. I found my raid guild on a +2 PUG and got an invite after. We now do +3 a few times a week and can clear in under 7 minutes reliably. I would recommend building a group either with a guild or from the best people you find in PUGs and run with them, way more fun and less messy.
  • ErMurazor
    I guess i need to find me a Raidguild 😋
  • ErMurazor
    Thanks all for your answers
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