Since the release of Summerset, I've decided to try out a new class the Warden as I got a bit bored with my stambuild nightblade lvl 100+ something. The only reason I chose Warden is that I wanted to try out the healing and ice spells, oh and they have nice visuals. I'm a sucker for those type of things. But sadly the Animal Companions skills don't interest me or just the sound of it doesn't make me want to play that skill tree or fact that the animal spells aren't that cool? I was hoping to summon those beasts you see out in the wild, not a bear or flying squid.
So, is it ok to play as Warden but only using two of its skill trees with a mix of something else or is it best to try and/or use all 3 skill trees that the class has to offer? Oh, and I have done some searching and I've notice that Templar has popped up quite a few times when comparing the two. I wouldn't mind making a new character but it's doing the Summerset story again is a bit of a pain xD.
My plans are only PVE and I have no interest in PVP while I might drop in and mess around, and I'm not too fussed if I can't kill a guy in a 1v1 fight. Also, I haven't touched trials. I'm simply been doing quests and bit of dungeon as I'm still quite a low level as my Warden is a lvl 21.
Thanks in advance!