Is there something in the API that I can use to check if a message would be filtered by the profanity filter, or whether that filter is enabled? Either compare a string to one sent through the filter, or an API call to test if that string would be flagged? Thanks!
NOTE: PLEASE do not turn this question into a discussion of the effectiveness of the filter itself.
CALLBACK_MANAGER:RegisterCallback("ProfanityFilter_Off", OnProfanityFilterChange) CALLBACK_MANAGER:RegisterCallback("ProfanityFilter_On", OnProfanityFilterChange) function GuildHomeManager:OnProfanityFilterChanged() self:RefreshMotD() self:RefreshDescription() end = KEYBOARD_OPTIONS:GetSettingsData(SETTING_PANEL_SOCIAL, SETTING_TYPE_LANGUAGE, LANGUAGE_SETTING_USE_PROFANITY_FILTER) profanityData = ZO_SharedOptions_SettingsData[SETTING_PANEL_SOCIAL][SETTING_TYPE_LANGUAGE][LANGUAGE_SETTING_USE_PROFANITY_FILTER] profanity = GetSetting(SETTING_TYPE_LANGUAGE, LANGUAGE_SETTING_USE_PROFANITY_FILTER) -- Returns 0 or 1 profanity = GetSetting_Bool(SETTING_TYPE_LANGUAGE, LANGUAGE_SETTING_USE_PROFANITY_FILTER)
I am making a custom Ready Check addon that works with 100023. However, it is not checked against the filter. I want to build something in to prevent either the message being shown, or sent, if the filter is on. I don't personally play with it on, but I want to ensure that those who do aren't taken advantage of with my addon.