This thread is created to give you a voice of what
YOU want for housing. Let Zenimax know what you want from housing whether a npc house that you wish was a player home, or a
furnishing that you wish that it was obtainable ingame.
Please follow a similar format
House and house size, or furnishing?
Found in which zone?
If house, Does it exist in the game? Ex: Where in the zone
If furnishing, where does the model exist in the game? Or is it datamined? (if not datamined, give it a nickname)
Post picture
So for example, for a home ill format it like this
I want a Manor home
That looks like Cey-Tarn keep Found in the Summerset Zone

For a furnishing
i'll format it like this
I want a furnishing
Found in
The Spiral Skein
No datamine exists for it but I want these Jellyfish mushrooms found in Mephala's Realm
Edited by Aliyavana on June 12, 2018 2:15AM