Auroran Knight kinda sucks?

It's always nice to see more full plate overly fancy outfits, and was somewhat hyped for the Auroran Knight. Unfortunately it does have issues.

On a normal imperial male build his legs look extremely fat.


Then to the deal breaker. His back armor is glued to his legs like breton hero.


Plus it arguably doesn't dye that well.


Edited by TimidGazelle on June 5, 2018 8:20AM
  • DoctorESO
    No one said service to Meridia would be without imperfections. :D

  • TimidGazelle
    DoctorESO wrote: »
    No one said service to Meridia would be without imperfections. :D

    I think it's cool because of the Summerset story and all, but you can't help but feel they design these armors without actually considering how they will look dyed and moving.
    Edited by TimidGazelle on June 5, 2018 8:32AM
  • Integral1900
    Oh well, there goes another one, first the gorgeous barbaric hair in the advert ends up as an ultra low resolution hood, now this. It’s a good job this stuff is aimed at impulse buying cos you wouldn’t get it otherwise. It looks like some relic of the base game
    Edited by Integral1900 on June 5, 2018 8:22AM
  • TheMythicDawn
    thank you for posting this information and these images

    i too am underwhelmed and disappointed especially because of the high price tag of this item.

    i credited you in a thread currently on general discussion talking about the state of these cosmetics
  • MornaBaine
    Even if it had been well made (and it's clearly not) I'd have balked at the price. I hope you demanded your crowns back OP.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • DPShiro
    Wow thanks for the heads up, looked forward to this but seems very sloppy so I’ll pass.
    ~ Gryphon Heart ~
    ~ Immortal Redeemer ~
    ~ Grand Master Crafter ~
    ~ Master Angler ~
    ~ Former Emperor ~
  • Numerikuu
    Why am I, once again, not surprised? Costumes have been of terrible quality for well over a year now. I can't think of one recently that hasn't dyed like absolute arse.

    Another pass for me... Thank you, OP!
    Edited by Numerikuu on June 5, 2018 1:26PM
  • Aesthier
    So sad.

    I am getting very tired of having armor that has all these wonderful etchings and patterns but you can't actually sperate the patterns when dying only particular pieces.

    What a complete waste.

    Thank you very much for the heads up guys this is yet another one I will not be purchasing TY.
  • Heimpai
    With all the hype for summerset i kinda thought there’d be a tad bit more effort in the cosmetics..I’ve played this game for about 2 months so i don’t have anything cool ._.

  • Pwoo
    I was looking forward to buying this collectible but then I realized this game has plenty of armors that look way better than an overpriced costume. Even if they put sparkles on it, the high price still wouldn't be justified.
    PC EU - @Pwooo in game - chronic crafting writ doer
  • Xepla
    Someone on reddit posted some dyes for the costume, I think it dyes well...

    I see what yall mean about wanting to dye the filigrees but I dont have an issue with how it currently dyes.
    Edited by Xepla on June 6, 2018 5:43PM
    Those who listen at doors always wonder what is beyond them. - Mephala, the Webspinner
  • Yzalirk
    The costume looks quite nice, definitely not the worst. The price of it is the biggest turnoff for me.
  • JaZ2091
    Yikes, glad I didn't spend crowns on that lol.
  • Gnortranermara
    I am not impressed enough to buy it. I'll just wait for it to be included in a crown crate next year.
  • Valkysas154
    Yea def buy with gems far far from now item i made a guild called Meridia's Champion just for the name to long ago
    but my desert dress in gold/white and white gold horse looks far better than this junk and she is the daedra of Light and life !
    if you are going to ask for so much at lest put some effort into it as it is it feels like 1k crowns max

  • DoctorESO
    It should have more pizazz and shine for being a Daedric champion's armor.
  • RGvolterra
    The armour style is just very very similar to the Daedric style so it’s not something appealing or interesting. Lack of creativity or innovation. When I think about the guardians of a God who represents the light I’d think of a better or more appealing look... kind of celestial or angelical look ... come on ZOS the armour is too ugly or too common to be even considered. Wish it had something glorious to star with. I will definitely wait for a better approach towards the next costume since they lack quality either. Very simple drawings ... very cheap look ... but Overpriced for what it is.

    Hint : watch the anime Knights of the zodiac ( saint Seya ) for a better look introduction to some of your armour and costume style.
  • BlissfulDeluge
    You guys DO realize that the Auroran armour is the exact same armour worn by Aurorans in Oblivion, right?


    It could definitely do with some touch-ups, as far as the animations and dyes are concerned, but to say it's a crappy design is to *** on the original design of the armour.
    Former completionist with all achievements unlocked up until Update 29 (Flames of Ambition). Avid RPer, writer, and former Breton lover. Then Legacy of the Bretons was released and I realized just how boring and uninspired the Bretons are according to the writers.
  • DanteYoda
    I actually prefer that original..
  • Unit117
    So bad lol
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