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PvP for nubies

I have been play PvE since I started ESO about a year ago. That's what I like and I plan to continue with PvE. However, there are some skills in the PvP skill lines that are good for PvE as well, such as Vigor and Caltrops.

What is the bestest/easiest/funest way to jump in to PvP at the CP 300 level to get to about level 10 without looking/feeling like a fool?? (and dying every 30 seconds!)
  • idk
    Find a group in Cyro to run with. Generally faster XP for someone who is new to it. I really would not stress about it. Just follow the herd.
  • davey1107
    You can search for Joy Division’s Guide to Midyear Mayhem in these forums...she writes a pretty thorough PvP guide for people who don’t know much about PvP. I’ll add some tips.

    You’re looking for a total of 88,000 pa for vigor. 145,000 for caltrops (lvl 6). About 1 million to level to assault/support 10. That’s not so bad...even an inexperienced player can earn over 100k/night.

    Some AP earning tips:

    - join a busy campaign. Even as a newbie. You will earn more in your server’s business campaign than playing some non-cp abandoned campaign.

    - Earn 20% more AP: you can get a one hour buff called blessing of war by killing any delve boss. So every hour, go kill a boss...the AP really adds up. Turn on your long term buff interface thing if you want to see the timer...it also shows in your character sheet. Also, note that Cyrodiil delves have more than one boss. Most have two or three, some have as many as five. They spawn weird...when one dies, it starts a timer for one of the others to spawn. So sometimes you have to roam around between their spawn points.

    - Always hold the repeatable quests: from the six boards at your base. These reward decent ap, 500 - 3500. Always hold these quests, you never know when an opportunity to complete them will arise. And if you get a horrible quest spawn (capturing some impossible far away keep), abandon the quest and pick up a new one until you get a favorable one.

    - follow the push: as the night wears on, your faction will inevitable lose a bunch of keeps and then rally. When your faction is pushing you will have great AP opportunity. Make sure to have your ap buff up! Watch for your team to start an assault on a captured keep...you’ll see your siege engines show up on the map screen, then the keep will be highlighted as under attack. Follow your guys up there and help them capture it. Then follow them to ring and capture any outstanding resources. Then move on to the next. Base value for capturing a keep and three resources is 10,500 AP...more with the buff and eso plus and possible other Cyrodiil buffs. If you get pushed way back then recapture the lost territory, on a good night you bam bam capture four keeps and are halfway to vigor.

    - use AOEs. Especially in defensive scenarios. When you’re defending, AOE the attackers to get in on kills and earn ap.

    - help defend (new with Summerset). There are these buckets of AP that are rewarded for successful attacks and defenses. Now in Summerset, you need to help out to get in on the bucket reward. This means participating in a battle and dealing damage, or repairing a wall/door. Carry some repair kits, and make sure to help out at each location. Note...you don’t have to help to earn the base capture rewards mentioned above. This is the battle pool of ap, which is different.

    - defend strategically. I don’t know what class you are, I’m a nightblade. Doesn’t really matter. When you’re defending up on a wall, everyone will just button mash spam attacks at each other. You can get better AP by being strategic. Step back from the wall. Go into sneak. Restore your resources. Buff. Step forward in sneak. Look for an opportunity...someone who is hurting and in range. Then unleash holy hell on that one target. Focusing hard on a single target is better than just spraying damage all over the place.

    Group up. A good group will earn you decent AP. Just put out a zone chat. Or look for a PvP guild on your server. Don’t be worried you’re new...groups aren’t like trial groups where everyone is super serious. People group now because they want to smoke out and run in circles earning AP, lol. And if you find a good group, add them as friends and group up again in the future. Most busy campaigns have four or five groups who run all the time and earn good AP.

    Tips for survival

    You’ll die a lot, but I can for sure help you reduce your expected deaths from 1,000 to 997 1/2.

    Gear: PvP is rough. Those of us who play a lot know how to kill you quick and painless. Well, I’ve always assumed eight arrows in the torso is painless. You know...I’ve never asked. Anyway, if you want to survive you might invest in specialized gear for PvP. Alcast has PvP setups for all of his builds. The important things right now are to (usually) incorporate a little heavy, and some pieces with impenetrable. These will reeeeeeally help. When I snipe a player with no impen, I’ll crit for 18k. Impen drops this to 7k...big difference.

    CPs: I don’t think you need special PvP CP setups, but just make sure you’re invested in the basics and not a lot of ancillary crap. For example, in red you need hardy, elemental defender and ironclad...all damage reduction, versus like healing buffs or whatever else is in reds. It’s all about damage reduction, buffing your damage output, and resource regen/preservation.

    Learn to sneak: even if you’re not a nightblade, try not to stand around offering yourself as a juicy target. If you’re in the open, crouch. Also, spend some time watching others and learning the patterns. 95% of people play the same way and do the same routines over and over. When a keep flips, the capturing team sweeps for hidden enemies. In the same dang pattern every time. Learn their patterns, and you can learn to anticipate where and when they’ll be.

    Speaking of sneak, work up your legerdemain: if you plan to PvP, you’re probably going to want to sneak around a bit. You can reduce the stamina cost of this by up to 40% via a passive in legerdemain. You need to get to level 16...here’s the easiest way. Once a day, go to the ships docked in daggerfall. There are barely any npcs. Steal everything. Fence it all...lander the cheap junk. It takes about a dozen trips to level leger to 16, but it’s worth the investment.

    Slow night? No fighting? Go do some town quests. The five towns (the three capturable ones plus chedinhal and...um...the volcano one) will spawn ten repeatable quests per day PER TOWN. That’s fifty per day you could do. These are five minute quests - go kill a bear, go grab this chest, etc. They reward a tiny bit of AP but and A LOT of xp. If things are slow, go level some skills and your character. These are great for blowing through enlightenment xp, but not that good for ap.

    Get some invisibility + speed pots. Blessed thistle, blue enteloma, namira rot. You go invisible and you get a speed boost. These will be a little tricky to master because you cannot take ANY damage or the pot fails. But as a newbie you might find yourself cornered or spotted or whatever and want to disappear. I’m not a newbie, and I blow through a hundred a week...but I’m a stealthblade, so...yeah.

    Hope that helps. With some luck, you should be able to get those vital stam skills in a couple of nights. Fully going to assault 10 will take longer, but it’s entirely doable in a month or two, even for a new PvP-er.
  • Matei
    Thank you for these tips Davey, i find them useful
  • Vapirko
    Just play through BGs during Midyear Mayhem. Its no CP so being 300 doesnt matter. If you come in first place you'll be earning 20k AP per match, last place you'll earn 14k. If you go into Cyro then look to defend keeps, hopefully at a lower population than the attackers, you'll earn some crazy bonuses if you do well. Otherwise theres just the good ol' join the zerg method. If you're going after vigor and caltrops you're probably a stamina DD, so wear bone pirate tatters if you have it + a damage set and use dubious camoran drink and then blood spawn or troll king for a monster set and thats pretty basic. Slot dawn breaker of smiting for your damage ultimate unless your a stamblade in which case go for incap strike. If you're anything but a NB I would also recommend starting in heavy armor, slot a 2h wpn for forward momentum to get out of the snares and then you can decide if you want to use that as your main weapon or just as a backbar.
    Edited by Vapirko on June 5, 2018 8:35AM
  • Strut6569
    Thanks for all the great advice! Greatly appreciated.
  • jaws343
    Yeah, Battle Grounds is going to be the quickest way to do this. And you get AP even if you lose. Plus, you can do other things while you queue.
  • W0lf_z13
    just keep in mind.... even experienced PvPer's die .... so even if you die over and over again just remember half of cyrodiil is horse back simulator
    Breton Nightblade ~ Fang of the Wolf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Dragonknight ~ Ðårk Ŵølf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Necro ~ Ðeåth Ŵølf ~ (50)

    ☣☣☣   |     Alliance ~Daggerfall Covenant~     |     Server ~NA PC~     |     CP's ~2156~     |     ☣☣☣
  • Leandor
    Make sure you prepare a bit beforehand. Your sustained DPS doesn't count anything in Cyro/BGs. The amount of damage you can unleash within a short period of time at the right moment is all that counts.

    Always use one defensive set and one set that helps with stamina sustain, no matter what you play. Always use impenetrable gear.

    As others said, play no-cp, i.e. battlegrounds or sotha sil (or whatever the no-cp campaign is called on your server).

    Never charge head first into a fight unless you know exactly what you're doing... (I still haven't figured that out after 4 years :D ).

    Don't limit yourself to running around following a zerg with a resto in hand spamming mutagen. Take the plunge and PvP. Despite all the bitching and moaning we PvPers do on the forums, PvP is so much fun and is so rewarding even with little tangible success at first.

    But be warned, you may get hooked fairly quick and stick with us o:):*
    Edited by Leandor on June 5, 2018 9:01PM
  • W0lf_z13
    Leandor wrote: »

    >Never charge head first into a fight<

    BUT that part is soooo much fun!!!!
    Edited by W0lf_z13 on June 5, 2018 7:06PM
    Breton Nightblade ~ Fang of the Wolf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Dragonknight ~ Ðårk Ŵølf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Necro ~ Ðeåth Ŵølf ~ (50)

    ☣☣☣   |     Alliance ~Daggerfall Covenant~     |     Server ~NA PC~     |     CP's ~2156~     |     ☣☣☣
  • Heimpai
    I wouldn’t go to vivec unless necessary, people with max cp kill me with little effort..well i suck at this game so that my be the biggest part

    Debating on going back to shooters or sticking this out and see if i get better with higher cp (260atm)
  • AcadianPaladin
    I took my bow/bow stamsorc to Cyrodiil to level up the alliance skills to 6 (vigor + caltrops) and was very apprehensive. I did get what I needed and it wasn't that painful - though I still have no interest in pvp.

    So from a Cyro-newb who (while quite scared) got what she needed, I will say that all the advice from @davey1107 is solid. Here's my tips:

    - Carry wall/door repair kits; Your group leader will appreciate your help after capturing a keep.
    - Come up in zone chat and ask if there is a group - they like even newbs since more players in the group = better results.
    - Stack on the crown and do what the group lead says. I was lucky and got linked up for two long sessions that basically got me everything I needed - and my group leaders were very experienced, patient and supportive.
    - Try to play to your character's strength and work around their limitations. My bowgirl lost every 1v1 fight she got cornered into. That said, she actually racked up more kills than deaths since she stayed with her group, maneuvered behind her melee fighters and exploited her deadly ranged burst to kill foes that were distracted by her other group members.
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • Strut6569
    Reviving this post to ask a follow on question.

    What advice for PvP with a Tank Toon?

    Again, I am looking to get Vigor primarily but I am not really wanting to rework my toon just to be good a PvP. I am an Orc DK double S&B per beginner Alcast. Mostly Purple with Gold weapons and shields.

    Thanks for any advice!
  • IcyDeadPeople
    Strut6569 wrote: »
    I have been play PvE since I started ESO about a year ago. That's what I like and I plan to continue with PvE. However, there are some skills in the PvP skill lines that are good for PvE as well, such as Vigor and Caltrops.

    What is the bestest/easiest/funest way to jump in to PvP at the CP 300 level to get to about level 10 without looking/feeling like a fool?? (and dying every 30 seconds!)

    Best and fastest way to improve is find a friend who has some PVP experience and is willing to spend time to help you duel over and over many times, practice offense and defense, figure out stun and burst combo, improve your build, how to mitigate incoming damage etc.

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