Shokasegambit1 wrote: »Im just ahead of YouTubers and Twitch streamers that cannot thoerycraft and rely on addons to do their basic elementary math.
Shokasegambit1 wrote: »This is a thread that I'd like to start, based on counters to PvP builds that are released on YouTube or Twitch.
1: link the Video/Clip to the your post.
2: Put a brief description of what it is you see to counter or problem.
3: No complaining becuase it is in our interests to counter with what we got with the current patch.
We or I do not work at ZOS and cannot make any changes. And even though you feel things should be changed, please write about that in a different thread. We work with what we got, yes we see the unbalance in the game. This is a constructive thread based on builds that give you problems. I'm also surprised to see after 4 years on PC and 3 years on Console there is no Q/A YouTube/Twitch made of this.
Also some counters may include specific races/sets/abilities/rotations as a disclaimer. If you do not have those sets and abilities we cannot counter.
Anyway posts your videos and the talented community theorycrafters will try to help out.
I and others look forward for the challenge to countering any and all builds posted.
Thank you !
No you dont need to be super smart or good at theorycrafting to realize that duroks bane is an ultimate cancer. I guess we will just have to wait a bit so it gets nerfed to the ground.
Stratforge wrote: »
Yet you can only counter Duroks with Duroks, which means it needs to be adjusted.
Shokasegambit1 wrote: »As i completely agree with @Lexxypwns you counter metas with new or old variation metas or in this case certain bugs that nobody reports. Aka Troll king...
You can also work in wryds tree to set up burst and heal ... oh its a light armour mag set ok ? Its still viable when im fighting my own builds. 3 jewely 1 bow back bar. Vigor dark deal full hp every 15 sec. Enough to keep you in the fight and set up a burst and TKO.
Imo you can counter most meta with playstyle aswell - atleast for NB and Sorc.
However that does not work for duels as these scenarios artifically restrict vital parts of the nb and sorc class in the process limiting potential.
Shokasegambit1 wrote: »As i completely agree with @Lexxypwns you counter metas with new or old variation metas or in this case certain bugs that nobody reports. Aka Troll king...
You can also work in wryds tree to set up burst and heal ... oh its a light armour mag set ok ? Its still viable when im fighting my own builds. 3 jewely 1 bow back bar. Vigor dark deal full hp every 15 sec. Enough to keep you in the fight and set up a burst and TKO.
Shokasegambit1 wrote: »As i completely agree with @Lexxypwns you counter metas with new or old variation metas or in this case certain bugs that nobody reports. Aka Troll king...
You can also work in wryds tree to set up burst and heal ... oh its a light armour mag set ok ? Its still viable when im fighting my own builds. 3 jewely 1 bow back bar. Vigor dark deal full hp every 15 sec. Enough to keep you in the fight and set up a burst and TKO.
Yea... no.
Wyrd cleanses you for a second until you engage again or any of your abilities (dots/ground effects) proc duroks on you the second after.
Highly inefficient..
There is nothing to gain by countering a single persons build and be useless vs a dozen others.