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Body change advancements

Just wondering (and Lore maniacs will hate this suggestion I am sure), but what if you didn't have the race standard height or body type limit and allowed up to Altmer to Bosmer height for all races, Orc to elf muscular structures, etc... You could add that if it goes past the normal racial bar ticks for height, etc...that you pay 10 crowns for each tick up or down below whatever particular races standards. And before someone says "lore, blah blah blah" there are plenty of, lets say, mutants that way exceed their races standard height in game like Tenderpaws (khajiit mage) in the Riften or Windhelm mages guild (forget which one). He is as tall as Sotha Sil is. And Kalistig the Axe and his Argonian counterpart (name escapes me) in the tavern at Davon's watch are also much taller than their racial standards.

I just like to add more variety to character creations and its just a thought is all.
Oh and speaking of variety to character looks (and slightly off main topic)….. Need More Beards!!!!! Come on ZOS just google unique beards, browse those images, and get inspired!

Okay that's all, sorry for taking up forum space :tongue:
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Hehehe yes , Lore masters will not be pleased . I do like some random variety in character creation . I wish we could make truly large over normal weight characters . Some larger characters would bring some realistic charm to Tamriel in my opinion . A really tall Bosmer would be interesting as would a very short Orc . Might look like Goblin a little . I like the suggestion and more variety but understand lore is important .
  • Yzalirk
    As a lore buff myself, this idea does not offend me. In fact, there are realistic biological explanations in some cases. Wood Elves are descendants from the Aldmer, which look very similar to the Altmer, and I see it plausible that tall genetics are passed down from tall Wood Elves that procreated with each other. They may not exceed or match the heights of Altmer but could surpass their current height limit to some degree. These cases would be pretty rare though.

    I personally want to make my Nords the size of the smallest Wood Elves to fit that traditional Dwarf aesthetic. Also on topic with your beard suggestion, I completely agree. If I could get Jorunn the Skald-King’s hair and beard for my characters, I would be extremely satisfied.
  • Crimsonwolf666
    It would be fun to see what people create with the limits removed. Some people would make some real interesting and freakish characters to be sure :tongue:
  • MonkLoHan
    Hey, Im all for come CBBE type sliders in character creation. That Caliente guy sure did some of the lords work with his Skyrim mods.
  • Gargath
    Already are freak characters in this game even with actual possibilities, just need to look around :).
    I'm against enormous body dimensions, it may be funny for someone who doesn't care about immersion but not funny for me as it works against my immersion. Here a "posterior example" from Reaper's March ;) :

    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • RogueShade
    The color scheme doesn’t help either as white makes bodies look bigger. That outfit does the same though it’s not as bad if the colors are less contrasting.
  • Orticia
    Gargath wrote: »
    Already are freak characters in this game even with actual possibilities, just need to look around :).
    I'm against enormous body dimensions, it may be funny for someone who doesn't care about immersion but not funny for me as it works against my immersion. Here a "posterior example" from Reaper's March ;) :


    I actually see no problem with this one at all. Sure it is a heavy set lady, showing off her curves proudly. There are plenty of people like this in real life, they are not unnatural proportions, don't see why they would be unnatural/immersion breaking in Tamriel.
  • Glenmorils
    Gargath wrote: »
    Already are freak characters in this game even with actual possibilities, just need to look around :).
    I'm against enormous body dimensions, it may be funny for someone who doesn't care about immersion but not funny for me as it works against my immersion. Here a "posterior example" from Reaper's March ;) :


    It breaks your immersion if everyone doesn’t have the same body type?
  • Crimsonwolf666
    I wasn't necessarily saying to add freakish proportions per se. Just to take the limit off of (even if it costs a couple crowns per tick past the normal racial standard for whatever race you pick) the standard heights of most races to allow those who aren't high elves, be as tall as them, or those who aren't bosmer to be as short as them or those than aren't orcs to be as muscular as them, etc, etc.... Not to add more crazy proportions like in Aion where you can seriously have freakishly tall characters or so short that they barely come up to ankle height to normal height characters. I know that there is still many options, I am just greedy and want more :tongue:
  • Sumskittles
    Heeey that orc is like my dark elf! thicc slider turned up to the max!
  • bee_tiswasnot
    This would be a great idea, although I suspect it would cause all kinds of complications with clothing rendering and weapons. For instance, although it will probably drive the lore-minders crazy, I would love to be able to create a dwarf, with a big beard, to go with all those axes. Right now, the beards lack imagination, although it may be a limitation of the beard model, assuming there is such a thin.

    The limitations on the female characters are a bit strange, too, so for example I couldn’t create a character with a figure like mine, despite the fact that the High Street has no problems catering for me. One curiosity of the character model is that the female characters’ boobs seem to scale directly with their chest measurement, instead of independently as in life! Maybe ZOS don’t get out enough? :)

    I guess there is always hope for Elder Scrolls 6. We end up spending so much time running around as these characters that it would be lovely to be have more fine grain control over their bodies and appearance. The current version is a start, but this is an area of lost potential right now. The characters tend to be a bit too samey, and with all the imagination that I can see being displayed in the artwork forums, expanding this area would almost certainly be very popular.

  • Gladium
    Orticia wrote: »
    Gargath wrote: »
    Already are freak characters in this game even with actual possibilities, just need to look around :).
    I'm against enormous body dimensions, it may be funny for someone who doesn't care about immersion but not funny for me as it works against my immersion. Here a "posterior example" from Reaper's March ;) :


    I actually see no problem with this one at all. Sure it is a heavy set lady, showing off her curves proudly. There are plenty of people like this in real life, they are not unnatural proportions, don't see why they would be unnatural/immersion breaking in Tamriel.

    Well, she looks like she might have some trouble getting up the stairs, let alone sprinting after monsters.
  • Crimsonwolf666
    I wasn't necessarily saying to add freakish proportions per se. Just to take the limit off of (even if it costs a couple crowns per tick past the normal racial standard for whatever race you pick) the standard heights of most races to allow those who aren't high elves, be as tall as them, or those who aren't bosmer to be as short as them or those than aren't orcs to be as muscular as them, etc, etc.... Not to add more crazy proportions like in Aion where you can seriously have freakishly tall characters or so short that they barely come up to ankle height to normal height characters. I know that there is still many options, I am just greedy and want more :tongue:

    And by freakish I mean a head the size of a golf ball and a body the size of a horse cart...for example lol
  • Kiyakotari
    Oh, I've seen this! Except it's not with the sliders, it's a fun visual glitch where someone with vampirism uses the scion ultimate, and then when the ultimate ends they go back to their original character...except for some reason they stay the same size as the scion for a while. It's absolutely hilarious. I've gotten some great screen captures of my totally standard sized toons standing next to absolutely huge Dunmer, Bosmer, etc.
  • SickleCider
    There are some real weight-phobic people in this thread. Shame on you.
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
  • whitecrow
    There are some real weight-phobic people in this thread. Shame on you.

    You try roll dodging when you're 300 pounds.
  • CassandraGemini
    whitecrow wrote: »
    There are some real weight-phobic people in this thread. Shame on you.

    You try roll dodging when you're 300 pounds.

    I have a good friend who's a bit overweight, maybe something akin to the Orc in that picture, while I am really slim by nature (even though I eat a ton), and yet she is much more sporty than I ever was. I bet she could roll dodge, if necessary. I, on the other hand, would probably die a horrific death because I'd fail to get out of stupid in time.

    So, yeah, what I'm trying to say is: It really is a misconception that all heavyset people are slow and unfit for any kind of athletic activity. And I would love to have a bit more room to play with body types, as well, not to create something really freakish, but just to make something a tad out of the ordinary. Could be interesting and fun.
    This poor little Bosmer stealth passive had passionate friends and a big loving family!

  • SickleCider
    whitecrow wrote: »
    There are some real weight-phobic people in this thread. Shame on you.

    You try roll dodging when you're 300 pounds.

    I have a good friend who's a bit overweight, maybe something akin to the Orc in that picture, while I am really slim by nature (even though I eat a ton), and yet she is much more sporty than I ever was. I bet she could roll dodge, if necessary. I, on the other hand, would probably die a horrific death because I'd fail to get out of stupid in time.

    So, yeah, what I'm trying to say is: It really is a misconception that all heavyset people are slow and unfit for any kind of athletic activity. And I would love to have a bit more room to play with body types, as well, not to create something really freakish, but just to make something a tad out of the ordinary. Could be interesting and fun.

    Yeah, I have more faith in that orc roll dodging than me, too. I'd probably break my neck.

    Signed, a 115lb woman.

    That "300lbs" language up there is needlessly hyperbolic.
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
  • MarshRangerHaz
    Gargath wrote: »
    Already are freak characters in this game even with actual possibilities, just need to look around :).
    I'm against enormous body dimensions, it may be funny for someone who doesn't care about immersion but not funny for me as it works against my immersion. Here a "posterior example" from Reaper's March ;) :


    You don't have women where you come from? She Looks great.
  • TigressCreed
    Can’t please everyone that’s how it’s been with humans since day 1. One faction wants massive customization without regards to the coding necessary and patch sizes the other wants lore friendly simple designs. Some love thicc others love skinny.
    Xbox NA TigressCreed
  • Crimsonwolf666
    I understand being "lore friendly" but already have dark elves, nords, argonians, etc... passed their racial passive standards means its now "lore friendly". Besides, ZoSs mostly cares more about money so add 20 crowns a tick to go beyond your racial passives/standards in height(obv both high and low), muscles, skinniness, fat, etc... and they would make a decent amount. And since the coding is already there, (with NPCs already being these extra physical stats despite racial standards) can't say it would take much to get there. Just saying. Something I would love and ZoS could certainly profit from :P
  • Tigerseye
    Gargath wrote: »
    Already are freak characters in this game even with actual possibilities, just need to look around :).
    I'm against enormous body dimensions, it may be funny for someone who doesn't care about immersion but not funny for me as it works against my immersion. Here a "posterior example" from Reaper's March ;) :


    She's not a "freak" - lots of real life women have those kind of dimensions.

    She's just pear-shaped.
    Edited by Tigerseye on July 19, 2020 3:20PM
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    I wasn't necessarily saying to add freakish proportions per se. Just to take the limit off of (even if it costs a couple crowns per tick past the normal racial standard for whatever race you pick) the standard heights of most races to allow those who aren't high elves, be as tall as them, or those who aren't bosmer to be as short as them or those than aren't orcs to be as muscular as them, etc, etc.... Not to add more crazy proportions like in Aion where you can seriously have freakishly tall characters or so short that they barely come up to ankle height to normal height characters. I know that there is still many options, I am just greedy and want more :tongue:

    But those are freakish proportions in Tamriel.

    I don't mind a little wiggle room, to for example; make a shorter altmer, or a taller argonian or khajiit (Which would make perfect sense since the latter two do have a big racial variation). But letting every race be as short or tall as possible is a bit too much.
    Edited by NotaDaedraWorshipper on July 19, 2020 5:51PM
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • Tigerseye
    Can’t please everyone that’s how it’s been with humans since day 1. One faction wants massive customization without regards to the coding necessary and patch sizes the other wants lore friendly simple designs. Some love thicc others love skinny.

    Yeah, but the people who "love thicc" aren't normally going around calling everyone, who isn't thicc, a "freak", are they?

    That is where I have noticed the difference lies.

    If everyone was just like "I happen to prefer this, but the other is fine, too." there wouldn't be an issue.

    But, some people seem to take offence at something, just because it isn't their personal preference and that is just odd.

    If you don't like something, as long as no one is forcing you to date someone who is like that (or, in this case, make a char that looks like that), why worry about it?
  • CMDR_Un1k0rn
    Gargath wrote: »
    Already are freak characters in this game even with actual possibilities, just need to look around :).
    I'm against enormous body dimensions, it may be funny for someone who doesn't care about immersion but not funny for me as it works against my immersion. Here a "posterior example" from Reaper's March ;) :


    "I'm against enormous body dimensions."

    Please, for your own sake, don't ever go outside your home gym. You might not like reality.

    BTW I think the Orc is pretty good.
    In-game username: Un1korn | Happy member of the PCNA UESP guild (Resident Daggerfall Covenant enjoyer) | Main & basically only character: Crucian Vulpin, Imperial Dragonknight of the Daggerfall Covenant, and Undaunted Bulwark (I tank) | Mountain bike enjoyer and vulpine appreciator | If you know me from PCEU: No | To ZOS: THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME BRING MY HORSE INTO BATTLE!
  • Crimsonwolf666
    I wasn't necessarily saying to add freakish proportions per se. Just to take the limit off of (even if it costs a couple crowns per tick past the normal racial standard for whatever race you pick) the standard heights of most races to allow those who aren't high elves, be as tall as them, or those who aren't bosmer to be as short as them or those than aren't orcs to be as muscular as them, etc, etc.... Not to add more crazy proportions like in Aion where you can seriously have freakishly tall characters or so short that they barely come up to ankle height to normal height characters. I know that there is still many options, I am just greedy and want more :tongue:

    But those are freakish proportions in Tamriel.

    I don't mind a little wiggle room, to for example; make a shorter altmer, or a taller argonian or khajiit (Which would make perfect sense since the latter two do have a big racial variation). But letting every race be as short or tall as possible is a bit too much.

    Beg to differ. Tamriel, by ESO standards, at least, already show significant proportions for all races. And, btw, for the "hero/heroine" of the time, it doesn't matter. This gives options to players, if you don't want the options then don't pick them. Lets be honest, the vast majority of players we encounter, we don't know what race they are from the outfit station/appearance tab options. ESO has always been about ever growing inclusion to its lore. That's why the Dragon Break lore exists. When it comes to appearance of character options, its up to players. Nothing is forcing you to make you Woodelf super tall or your dark elf Orc level muscular.
  • Integral1900
    Sounds like a great idea, name your price ZOS 😇

    Personally, I am not one of those players who sees themselves as the character, I tell the characters story but they are not me. Therefore I see no reason to play a character that resembles myself. I see quite enough of me as it is I certainly don’t wanna see any more of the game. Also, my wife is one of the most physically imposing individuals who have are likely to see, and I certainly consider myself one of the luckiest people on Earth, that she chose to spend her life with me. We actually met at a historical recreation and I tell you that a 6 foot 4 brunette wielding 180 pound Glamorgan longbow is a truly unforgettable spectacle

    Let’s face it. This game like pretty much every other one has an absolutely insane amount of gender dimorphism. If you play a guy your choice is enormous, everything from starvation skinny to a human bunker with libs so thick you wonder how they can walk at all!


    Even if you max out the sliders for the ladies you still end up with something pretty unimpressive. Your choice at the moment for female characters is basically 1 slightly fat, 2 scrawny but muscular, and 3 near death from malnutrition. The only way to make a non-male character in this or any other game look like she can do something other than drag the dam sword around is to use the bulkier kinds of armour such as worm cult or crafted ebony.

    It will be nice to use some of the other armour types without the character looking like she’s gone on some crash diet. If you’ve ever seen Roman depictions of female gladiators you will see that they are the absolute opposite of anything you’re finding in this game. As a former personal trainer I can tell you that there are a surprisingly large number of ladies around that could tear in half pretty much any female character this game has ever put forward with the possible exception of Lyris

    If the Crown Crate department are looking for any ideas how about putting an actually useful skin in there for once instead of the usual junk how about this. Something that ups the physique sliders to something more along the lines of the female barbarians from diablo or Zarya from overwatch, you’d sure shift some crates with that 😎
    Edited by Integral1900 on July 22, 2020 10:27AM
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