This needs to happen so we need a group / ranked que.
So many times now pre mades get put against solo players and just abuse it, for example.
Just had a match where 400-450 points ahead pre made team, also using whisper to troll the other players in match, admitting what they are doing, then they release all flags and drag the timer out as long as possible, forcing everyone to stay in a pointless to play match, then when timer almost end they finish the last few points.
Then troll whisper some more....
I thought pre mades had less chance of going against solo players? Or is the system setup as such that if not enough other pre made team players they get to farm solo players instead? This happens over 70% of matches now...
Come on ZOS address this already.
Edited by Troneon on June 2, 2018 12:08AM
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