For those who somehow aren't aware of the issues regarding mat farming, here is a rough breakdown:
- People activate crafting mat nodes in the overworld, only take some of the stuff, and leave the rest.
- Another guy comes along and sees the node, they go to activate it hoping for some good stuff, only to get the junk the previous player left behind.
- Guy sees another node nearby and tries to activate it, sees it's fully stocked, but before he can take it he's attacked by a mob.
- While he's fighting the mob another player sneaks in and takes the node for themselves.
Similar stuff happens with chests too, and it pisses off a lot of people.
So far, there are a couple of solutions I've seen others talking about on the forums. I'd like to discuss them here, as well as propose a solution of my own.
Solution 1: The "All or Nothing" System
This is the concept that when you loot a node, you either take everything, or you get none of it. For some, it would be great because it means there's no chance of finding a partially looted node. For others, it would be terrible because it'd undoubtedly result in stuff they might not want taking up valuable space in their inventory.
I'm in the latter camp. I often find chests while mat farming or questing. When I do, I usually take the soul gems and gold, and leave everything else in there. You know why? Because the UI in this game is a nightmare, inventory management is a pain, and all the countless weapons and random armor pieces that these chests are full of aren't even that good. You find a random blue weapon that you're never going to use, isn't worth deconstructing, and is of a trait you've already researched. They can't even be sold for that much unless they're ornate, which not many of them are. To but it bluntly, chests are full of crap that I don't want, and I don't want to have to go through my inventory deconstructing all of it every time I loot a chest, because that would waste so much time when I could just not pick it up in the first place.
As for farming mats....I always take everything as I have the craft bag. Infinite storage space is great.
Solution 2: Make Nodes and Chests Separate for each player
All containers and enemies have different drops for each player, this is something that's already in place. Some people believe that this should also extend to chests and mat nodes, so that when players go farming, nobody can interfere, and they can't intrude on anybody else's. This would make farming much less competitive, and turn it into something that one could do at their own pace, as opposed to rushing around a beach as fast as possible to grab everything before anyone else can (looking at you, Bal Foyen).
I think this is a good idea, as mat farming is a PvE activity, and PvE activities, particularly ones that take place in the overworld and not in instanced trials or group dungeons, shouldn't have us competing with one another. This way, nothing another player does can affect your mat/chest farming experience.
Solution 3 (mine): The Postmaster.
You guys ever play Destiny? When you get a reward that you can't fit in your inventory, it goes to the postmaster in the game's social hub so you can collect it later. I think a similar strategy could be applied here.
The reason I hate Solution 1 is because of all the crap I'd end up with in my inventory. Well, maybe when you loot a node it would be all or nothing, but you could choose to send the contents off to a postmaster (possible new NPC in the bank or something?). Then, when you go to the postmaster, THEN you get to cherry pick. You choose what you want, and have the rest destroyed/sold/deconstructed or something.
Solution 2 is still my favorite, but I think this might be a good compromise for players that like the competitive aspect of mat farming.