Well you guys are all busy doing that, I seem to find the nodes pretty frequently. Maybe i am just lucky while running around doing nothing lol
But i can agree that something does need to be done
Lapin_Logic wrote: »I feel sorry for the new player experience for players joining once all pre summerset jewellery has sold, good luck to those wishing to buy what was once easy to find cheap "trash" jewellery sets to just get anything onto a character while you play for your gold or grind for your fit.
prices are sky rocketing for "deconstructable" jewellery as everybody races to grind a skill line and fill stocks of an ultra rare crafting material, with nodes so rare in world as to have lead people to skip looking for it all together instead turning Alikr desert into a Dolmen runners convention that draws concert size crowds with 500000++ dps .
ZOS could do with looking at an alternative to seeding the items for this new skill that does not turn a green Thunderbugs ring into a commodity more costly than a sharpened Spriggans sword, and the zones into a horse race dolmen circus.
grinding for the skillline?
One of my friends managed 50 day two after launch and has already completed the achievements grand master title and all lol
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
Well you guys are all busy doing that, I seem to find the nodes pretty frequently. Maybe i am just lucky while running around doing nothing lol
But i can agree that something does need to be done
AP let's you buy the weapon sets in cyro that have a 2/3 chance of dropping a cp160 purple jewel piece.
Players already reported going from rank 18 to 45/48 using this meathod. Though it requires a large amount of AP, but it's much better than trying to grind dolmens/mat nodes
TheCyberDruid wrote: »My second character is on level 23 in JC with doing a few geysers, Ashlander dailies and running around with treasure maps and grabbing all the treasure chests I find on the way. For a new player the grind (and the prices) are indeed a bit much.
DanteMR1995 wrote: »It also gives new players a chance to earn gold.
BaylorCorvette wrote: »This is a fantastic time to play the market and make gold hand over fist. I know that's what I've been doing.