Taleof2Cities wrote: »Not the best idea, IMO, since that would put casual trading guilds (not in the main trading cities) out of business.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »Not the best idea, IMO, since that would put casual trading guilds (not in the main trading cities) out of business.
I can tell you (at least on console), based on the sales history for each (which I keep up with to know what to sell, how much, and who is buying), they are 95% selling to themselves, not other players.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »
Please share the sales data you have that shows 95% of your guild’s trader activity is from players within the guild.
I’m sure the rest of the forums community and ZOS would be interested in the hard numbers you have to support your point of view.
After that, there’s the other issue of the hub city guilds allowing casuals the privilege of selling at their trader ... even at a premium.
If guildies in the major trading guilds truly enjoy selling (or otherwise truly enjoy helping that major trading guild succeed) ... why should non-guildies enjoy the same privilege but be absolved of any effort to succeed??
Not everyone can join the main trade guilds, and many choose to go to chat for selling their goods. I was just curious about whether we could use a version of consignment somehow. Allow people that are not part of a guild to put their goods onto either existent traders, or a new trader, but at a much steeper payout. If on an existing guild trader, the extra price would be paid directly into that guild's bank, since it is a form of renting 'space'; if on a new NPC Consignment Trader, the amount would flutter off into the ether as another form of gold sink in the game, but would be steeper than the guild traders would require. Just wondering if something like this could be used to make the trader system more accessible to all players.
jaschacasadiob16_ESO wrote: »What's keeping you from being part of a main trade guild anyway? Most don't even ask you to be CP, as long as you pay 5K (FIVE THOUSAND) a week. Of course, then if you are on the console, you cannot avoid the often intelligent discussions between the guild members...
IsharaMeradin wrote: »A guild can have 500 members max. Each member can sell 30 items max. That leaves a guild trader with 15000 slots for items to sell. Fairly certain that even with various restrictions and rules in place, not every guild with a trader is using all of those slots.
A solution:
Add one NPC in each zone that players can interact with. The game can check the guilds that the player is in and determine if they have access to a guild trader. If they do, the NPC can remind them that they can access their guild trader(s) directly or via a city banker. Otherwise, the NPC will allow the player to post up to 10 items for sale for a holding fee plus posting fee.
Here is the catch, those items will be added to existing guild traders that have empty membership slots on a first come first serve basis. (i.e. if a guild has only 480 members, 20 membership slots will be utilized by non-members)
Non-trader guild members can post their items for sale, the items will go into a queue until they are able to be placed into a trader guild's empty membership slot. 30 day timer counts down from the moment of posting. This means that an item could be in a trader for up to 30 days, sitting in queue for up to 30 days or some combination of the two.
The guild whose trader gets used, will receive a cut of the sale. Said cut should be larger than that taken from guild members.
Obviously, there will be greater benefit in joining a trading guild. In a trading guild the player would have lower fees and a guaranteed 30 day sale window. Without a trading guild, the player will have greater fees and the potential depending upon slot availability to not even get a sale window.
The current system is misused easily already. Kinda hard to devise something that is helpful to all when the base has its own issues.Elsterchen wrote: »No, due to the bet placed on traders every week there are always some "spare/emergency" guilds that hold a spot. (These can be identified easily by their non-existing stock) Your suggestion would encourage the (understandable) but in effect doubtfull behaviour of placing emergency bets and even the cheaper single-trader-spots far off the main roads might get too expensive for new, or casual trading guilds. Especially when the big ones decide its good to make more money with empty banking slots.
I hope its clear that I don't think that your idea isn't good, its just going to be misused easily, I fear.
Due to the weekly bidding thing, it would also have to put a time limit on the items one places on the vendors, or, a stipulation that if the vendor changes hands, your items are returned to you. As for the joining trade guilds, and them having slots, etc... on PC it may work differently, not sure... on console, finding a guild can be a pain. How to do it? There is no "Find a Guild" part of the UI, no add-ons, text chat is rarely used for anything except spamming items for sale, voice chat is tricky as well (and often does not work properly). The best I have seen is to go to Facebook and try to find guilds... I've even seen some startup guilds just spam invites to their guild to everyone in the area when in town.
So, yeah, I think, especially for console, having some way to get everyone access to use the trader system would help.
As a 3 year member of various 'casual trading guilds', I can tell you (at least on console), based on the sales history for each (which I keep up with to know what to sell, how much, and who is buying), they are 95% selling to themselves, not other players. There is an exceptionally low number of people who go out to the single traders to do business, most only check the hubs. So, I don't see where this would really hurt them, and might even help them since they could actually sell items and get money to further donate to their guilds and maybe outbid someone someday. But, I don't know how it would play out, honestly... just trying to find ways that work WITH the existing system, to allow access to all players, not just the primary guilds (for the most part), or ~180 guilds (however many total traders are in the game).
Taleof2Cities wrote: »
When you were a member of that guild that had players selling 5M ... did you ask those players directly how they do it?
They can probably give you some pointers without giving away all their trade secrets.
I'm really trying to figure out how you can sell 5M in 10 days... I have been in 4 Trading Guilds (different ones, some with traders, some not) over the last 3 years. My friends, the same. I tend to keep my list 30/30 in them as well, with prices that are lower than those I see when I check other vendors. And, until a couple of weeks ago, the best I ever did was 20-30K here and there when I have a motif to sell, or a purple furnishing plan.
Steady on the grind...
The 10M guild isn't in a top trading hub. There are guilds there with no or little requirements. With most of the same things for sale, it compares decently to the 18M guild which is in Rawl, the top trading hub on PC/NA. The 6M guild was in a bad location for 6/10 days but still saw activity because it had items players were looking for.
That's not all profit, of course... I spend it all on furniture recipes even though I'm not into decorating. I have no idea why...
IsharaMeradin wrote: »The current system is misused easily already. Kinda hard to devise something that is helpful to all when the base has its own issues.
I agree with the buying stuff I don't actually need thing lol...
On the post, itself, I wonder how possible that would be on console, without add-ons or websites to help out. If you have nothing to point you to those vendors outside of the hubs, or even locations of those vendors, then, relatively no one visits. This is getting more and more likely as people have stopped doing the main questlines, and started just grinding dolmens or skyreach, and forget those traders even exist. Yes, there are a few that still know, still visit, but I really wonder how many players on console even bother, if they even remember or know they exist? Seriously, all of these stories I hear about how it is possible, and it works, are all from PC, none from console that I have seen.
I really think the add-ons and websites that can import data directly from those add-ons, etc are the reason. Why else is there such a discrepancy of opinions and experiences?