Addon for psijic order skill?

Does it exist
  • AlnilamE
    You mean for finding the time rift locations?

    I'm not sure. But Lost Treasure lets you keep a small version of the map open on your screen as you run around.
    The Moot Councillor
  • LeagueTroll
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    You mean for finding the time rift locations?

    I'm not sure. But Lost Treasure lets you keep a small version of the map open on your screen as you run around.

    I have it, not good enough. It doesn’t Give exact location as for surveys.

  • Aebaradath

    I have it, not good enough. It doesn’t Give exact location as for surveys.
    Look at Alcast's guide then?
  • LeagueTroll
    Look at Alcast's guide then?

    I have to tab out every time. How annoying.
  • Aebaradath

    I have to tab out every time. How annoying.
    Well... can't cure laziness.
  • Linaleah
    map pins. puts an x at the exact location of a time rift.

    drawback - they don't disappear when you close the rift, only when you turn in the quest, so you have to remember which ones you already did on your own. very minor drawback IMO.

    alcast maps are great, but having the marks on in game maps is slightly more convenient.
    edited to add - you have to enable them in filters section of the map, addon comes with them disabled by default
    Edited by Linaleah on May 28, 2018 2:40PM
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • josiahva
    I did this with no help whatsoever, its really not that hard. I don't understand why people are complaining its grindy...I did 2 maps at a time, took me a couple hours each was actually a nice break from the same old PvP or PvE content, it almost added back in that old TES exploration aspect. I actually approve of the way this particular skill line was implemented. It is simply content that is not focused on fighting, its exploration content...which was a nice change of pace. Take a breath, get off your rapids-enhanced high horse and enjoy the leisurely stroll that this quest line is meant to be. I actually found myself mildly annoyed when someone would ride past me full speed to try to complete it as fast as possible...enough so that I waited until off-hours to do it.
    Edited by josiahva on May 28, 2018 3:09PM
  • Emphatic_Static

    The directions are a little vague, and the text meant to copy/paste into the file doesn't work. Another user on the reddit posts a link to what you need to copy/paste that does work.

    Once done, you will have little flags on your map where every time rift is - and for all characters as well.

    Hope you figure it out, it helps a ton when you get it installed correctly!

    Stamina sORCerer
  • starkerealm
    josiahva wrote: »
    I did this with no help whatsoever, its really not that hard. I don't understand why people are complaining its grindy...I did 2 maps at a time, took me a couple hours each was actually a nice break from the same old PvP or PvE content, it almost added back in that old TES exploration aspect. I actually approve of the way this particular skill line was implemented. It is simply content that is not focused on fighting, its exploration content...which was a nice change of pace. Take a breath, get off your rapids-enhanced high horse and enjoy the leisurely stroll that this quest line is meant to be. I actually found myself mildly annoyed when someone would ride past me full speed to try to complete it as fast as possible...enough so that I waited until off-hours to do it.

    Yeah, I fully cleared it twice without addons. I partially cleared it on the PTS, but ran into a bug in Shadowfen, where one of the portals was in a pre-quest phase, and my main finished that quest back in 2014. (This has since been fixed.) But, yeah, Map Pins is nice. There's a few rifts in Valenwood that are kinda infuriating to find.

    But, with practice, those Psijic skill lines go by fast.
  • danno8
    Finished it first time with no help. Super boring, but pretty easy.

    Subsequent times the Map Pins addon is very nice.
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