Create a "4th Option, NOT Faction," A deserter option in Cyrodiil Read before commenting

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  • idk
    OP's idea is more likely to get the attention of those who like to grief which is why it will never happen. Plain and simple.
  • Anazasi
    I think that having this topside in Cryo is a pretty bad idea. However, I think they should make IC factionless. A true world PVP zone. Where the only way to not be attacked by others is to be grouped with them. This would give everyone what they really want without hindering the already burdened Cryo Map.
  • SkysOutThizeOut
    @Anazasi can you articulate how you think this would be a bad idea? And did you read the entire post? I do like he IC idea.
    Edited by SkysOutThizeOut on June 28, 2018 5:49PM
  • Prince_of_all_Pugs
    if a player abandons their alliance, they should not be able to make any alliance points, i think that would be fair.
  • SkysOutThizeOut
    @Prince_of_all_Pugs they’re going to make less because they can’t piggy back off keep and resource takes. Also can’t turn in scroll cap quests.
  • IlCanis_LupuslI
    There are some players i consider part of that faction. Even when they are playing on your alliance they probably r just ratting out your position for their friends farming groups from other alliances to chase you around.
    I usually tend to avoid them and have no respect for them.
    For example there is a Nightblade who hands down, is a wizard on his stamblade(he was called the "Rip-blade" by BlobESO) totally amazing to fight(when we run into each other, very rare we usually ignore each other) against really fun AND ALWAYS PLAYS THE SAME ALLLIANCE. I respect a guy like that 100000000x more (even when he is my enemy in PvP) then some dude who just alliance hops every day just to farm ap.
    Edited by IlCanis_LupuslI on June 28, 2018 6:19PM
    Cp 1490
    Khajiit Night blade Healer(BiS for cuteness)-Flawless Conquerer Grand Overlord
    Khajiit Stamsorc Werewolf, Flawless Conquerer (1st attempt ww form during the entire dungeon) main
    Khajiit(Master Race) Templar Healer, Flawless Conquerer
    Khajiit Stam dk, Flawless conquerer, 2nd attempt
    Werewolf Veteran player, Since Wrathstone-DLC "Raid-Wolf", 50k dps with fracture, Pvp Healer.
  • SkysOutThizeOut
    Now those players have a home. I played only ep mag dk. Then wanted better small scale so now I only play ad mag dk. No faction swapping.
  • WillhelmBlack
    Its an awesome idea that's been suggested many, many times here on the forums.

    Only problem is, Zenimax' PvP budget is the same amount as re-skinning a Senche.
    PC EU
  • gabriebe
    I think the idea is interesting, but it would have to be limited in scope. Group size cap on it is a good idea, but I also think it would have to be tied into an objective. Like say every keep on the map is AD's, the quest generator would automatically become something like 'Take Faregyle within the next 60 minutes for X amount of AP'. And I think it would also be a good idea to limit how long you can be in that deserter faction.

    Former Empresses: Saliva Bortschion (MagBlade), Janet From Finance (PvP MagSorc), Carla Swagan (Tank DK), Estelle Born (StamBlade), Enya Arsenal (MagPlar), Anita Nurse (Magplar Healer), Bearback Brigitte (Magden), Rachel Justice (MagDK), Nicole From Payroll (Stamden), Bailiff Belinda (PvE MagSorc), Féline Dion (StamDK), Septic Tank Tina (Necro Tank)

    The runts: The Trolly Spirit (Tank Sorc), Floods-Your-Basement (Warden Healer) Dinah Asthma (Magcro), Total Top Tony (Stamcro)

    The traitor
    s: Janis Javelin (Stamplar, EP), Barbecue Becky (Magblade Healer, AD)

    PvE: Gryphon Heart, Immortal Redeemer, Flawless Conqueror

    GM: Animal Control

  • SugaComa
    Shouldn't have keeps revert back ... This could be utilised by factions to hide keep colours while emp pushes are on

    Instead have it remain neutral so must be claimed
  • ChefZero
    -The only people a deserter can group with inside Cyrodiil is another deserter of ANY FACTION and their group caps out at 4-6 players (population dependent), this will prevent people from abandoning their faction to zerg. Maybe require the group to be formed outside of Cyrodiil before traveling in.

    8 players per group are still 33% of a normal raid. Otherwise they will wipe to often. They could group up everytime over friend-/guildlist.

    -Only the deserters in the same group cannot attack each other.

    Of course.

    -Deserters can still cap resources and keeps villages, but the guards take time to spawn and are weaker than normal guards initially, but can grow stronger the longer it is held by that group. When the group leaves the resource/keep the guards begin to revert back to the Faction that previously owned it, fighting each other until it reverts completely back to the previous Faction's control.

    These NPC thing is difficult to balance in this setup. We have to assume that deserters will be ganksquads or voicechat-only-groups. So we have to prevent it being abused for towerfarming. Keeps should be no place for deserters...

    --In the event the Keep or Resource in question is a tri/home keep to a particular faction the Resource/Keep will always revert back to the Faction area that it is in, rather than it being the previous owner. This could help to combat gate camping by the Emp faction, but instead you'll have to only fight a 4 man and their weaker guards or wait for them to leave.
    ---This idea allows Deserters a chance in defending, but prevents Deserters from having a negative lasting influence on the map and instead could be beneficial. Factions could wait to cap keeps that are in turmoil as they are flipping out of Deserter control.

    IMO a captured resource or village should stay deserter flagged until an alliance captured it back.

    ----In the event multiple Deserter groups are inside the inner keep while it is flipping to Deserter control, it will still flip to Deserter faction, but the first Deserter group to attack the other Deserter group will be attacked by NPCs, much similar to the way NPC Guards attack you for crimes in the rest of Tamriel and the group will be unable to peacefully remain in the keep. If a keep is capped and only one Deserter group is in it, then the keep is unfriendly to any Deserters who approach that were not present upon its capture.

    Isn't necessary, cause SMALL DESERTER GROUPS should avoid keeps.

    -Deserters get an 10-15% AP bonus in defending their resources or keep.

    They should get a AP bonus all the time cause the downsides should be huge on the other side.

    -No keep or scroll bonus to Deserters, unless a group member is currently carrying a scroll or is in control of a keep.

    No alliance bonuses to deserters cause they are NO FACTION. Deserters have acces to the Continuous Attack passive and they should use it.

    -The only place a Deserter can rez is in one of 4-6 random Imperial/Bandit Camps spread over Cyrodiil, in a keep currently in the group's control, or maybe even on a controlled resource.

    3 or 6 spawnpoints cause of the symmetry.

    -Deserters still have the same access to siege and forward camps.

    Nope cause they are Deserters.

    -Allow a player the option to desert his/her faction when joining a campaign for 1,000,000 AP.
    --Make the cost of rejoining the faction 2,000,000 AP. Of course this AP cost for joining and rejoining could be wratcheted up.

    Other suggestion: Queue separately for Deserter outside of Cyrodiil. Also a big point you missed: Population Cap. I would begin at 50% of a normal alliance.

    -ZOS can make a quest line and DLC for it too and costumes so they can profit in that way.

    Of course.

    Generaly I like the idea but some points look like a new game mode especially for towerfarmers who can show on youtube or twitch how big their argonian tails are. Atm it is very hard for newcomer to enjoy Cyrodiil so we should avoid decisions that would affect it in the wrong direction (healthy PvP population should be priority number 1).

    IMO a Deserter/Bandit/Marauder/whatever thing for PvP should be like a hardcore mode and attract people who are more focused on fights and less on objectives and looking for more challanging content. So Deserter Population should never be impactful on any campagin and they should have no big impact on the alliances and the common map mechanics.

    Otherwise it's to difficult to avoid that guilds/communities able to abuse it.
    PC EU - DC only
  • ChefZero
    Another point: Priority number 1 for ZOS should be "make imperial city great again" ;)
    PC EU - DC only
  • ks888
    This would be fun to see. I would definitely be on board. By this point though, we're sort of just in a cycle of rerolls. Guilds quit or fall apart because rl happens and those of us who started on one faction playing with one group, end up meeting new people and joining new groups. Love this idea though, but I will take reliable skill usage and bar swapping first plz and ty. :)
    DC NA - Norri - Khole RIP - [Mostly Outnumbered]** I have too many toons **RIP every alt I deleted - where am I? what year is it?
  • Irylia
    ChefZero wrote: »

    8 players per group are still 33% of a normal raid. Otherwise they will wipe to often. They could group up everytime over friend-/guildlist.

    Of course.

    These NPC thing is difficult to balance in this setup. We have to assume that deserters will be ganksquads or voicechat-only-groups. So we have to prevent it being abused for towerfarming. Keeps should be no place for deserters...

    IMO a captured resource or village should stay deserter flagged until an alliance captured it back.

    Isn't necessary, cause SMALL DESERTER GROUPS should avoid keeps.

    They should get a AP bonus all the time cause the downsides should be huge on the other side.

    No alliance bonuses to deserters cause they are NO FACTION. Deserters have acces to the Continuous Attack passive and they should use it.

    3 or 6 spawnpoints cause of the symmetry.

    Nope cause they are Deserters.

    Other suggestion: Queue separately for Deserter outside of Cyrodiil. Also a big point you missed: Population Cap. I would begin at 50% of a normal alliance.

    Of course.

    Generaly I like the idea but some points look like a new game mode especially for towerfarmers who can show on youtube or twitch how big their argonian tails are. Atm it is very hard for newcomer to enjoy Cyrodiil so we should avoid decisions that would affect it in the wrong direction (healthy PvP population should be priority number 1).

    IMO a Deserter/Bandit/Marauder/whatever thing for PvP should be like a hardcore mode and attract people who are more focused on fights and less on objectives and looking for more challanging content. So Deserter Population should never be impactful on any campagin and they should have no big impact on the alliances and the common map mechanics.

    Otherwise it's to difficult to avoid that guilds/communities able to abuse it.

    Lol what.
    Force deserter groups from entering a keep?
    Most fights take place inside a keep and as a 4-6 sized group, especially vivec, you aren’t turning the tide of battle just pvping.

    Not to mention these groups all fight each other and all 3 factions. The primary reason to be a deserter is to fight everyone and anyone for the sake of pvp. Not many small scale groups with the interest in impacting the map.
  • RebornV3x
    We need less factions not more
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • Jam
    RebornV3x wrote: »
    We need less factions not more

    Read the proposition, it's not really a fourth faction. If you want a 1vs1 faction, go on Guild Wars or WoW BGs I guess. ESO PvP was developped around the 1vs1vs1 faction, and it's the best part of PvP imo.

    Adding Deserters looks for me really great. You can even add an AP bonus gain when you kill a faction player who is in numeric superiority, it will at least encourage Deserters to focus strongest faction (it's just an idea...).

    Also, the fact they can take the control of a ressource and gain continuous attack buff, yes, but without guards spawn. As long as they are Deserters, they don't deserve any support.
    But if a Deserters group pick a scroll, they at least gain the bonus while carrying it, sounds logical to me :)
    IG : @PerfectJam PC/EU/1400+CP
    • Jam Lamia - (m)Templar Breton - AVA rank 41 - AD
    • Jam Elia - (s)Templar Imperial - AVA rank 31 - AD
    • Jam Siya - (m)Sorcerer Altmer - AVA rank 28 - AD
    • Jam Niera - (s)NB Woodelf - AVA rank 28 - AD
    • Jam Meloa - (m)DK Breton - AVA rank 37 - AD
    • Jam the Zerger - (m)Templar Breton - AVA rank 22 - DC
    • Jam's Karmacoma - (s)DK Redguard - AVA rank 30 - AD
    • Get Jammed - (m)Sorcerer Altmer - AVA rank 23 - EP
    • Jam the Stormelade - (s)Sorcerer Orc - AVA rank 19 - AD
    • J A M - (m)NB Altmer - AVA rank lel - DC
    • Jam the Undead Marmelade - (s)Necro Nord - AVA rank lul - AD
    • Jam the Apparatchik - (m)Warden Breton- AVA rank lul - AD
    • I wanna Jammin with You - (m)Templar Breton - AVA rank lol - EP
    • Jam the Marmelade - (m)DK Dunmer - CP160+ - EP
    • Perfect Jam - (m)Sorcerer Altmer - One day... - EP
    • AWAWAWAWAR - Did you see the goblins ?
    • AoE Rats - 8 men's group
    • Noricum and KiteSquad - Don't forget to stand up for small scale PvP !
    • Former raid leader of French Coq (RIP) - YouTube
    PS : If I sum all my chars...
  • Sparr0w
    @Sparr0w so I get the notification
    Xbox (EU) - l Sparrow x | CP 810+
    DD: All Mag + Stam
    Heal: Templar | Sorc | NB | Warden | Necro
    Tank: NB | DK | Warden
    Completions: All HM's + TTT + IR + GH
    PC (EU) - Sparrxw | CP 810+
    DD: All Mag + Stam
    Heal: Templar | Sorc
    Tank: DK | NB
    Completions: All HM's + TTT + IR + GH + GS
  • ChefZero
    Irylia wrote: »

    Lol what.
    Force deserter groups from entering a keep?
    Most fights take place inside a keep and as a 4-6 sized group, especially vivec, you aren’t turning the tide of battle just pvping.

    Not to mention these groups all fight each other and all 3 factions. The primary reason to be a deserter is to fight everyone and anyone for the sake of pvp. Not many small scale groups with the interest in impacting the map.

    A deserter mode should be only available for small scale contant. Otherwise it's just a new tool for ball groups farming AP. Means primetime every PUG can log off cause ball groups will appear on every busy keep fights, big sword's marks.
    PC EU - DC only
  • amir412
    I suggested this before, and some1 asked me , what about imperial city? or quest line / alliance base.. etc etc Couldnt really provide an answer
    Edited by amir412 on July 9, 2018 7:35PM
    PC | EU | AD | "@Saidden"| 1700 CP|
  • Irylia
    ChefZero wrote: »

    A deserter mode should be only available for small scale contant. Otherwise it's just a new tool for ball groups farming AP. Means primetime every PUG can log off cause ball groups will appear on every busy keep fights, big sword's marks.

    It’s been stated that group size would be under 6
  • WeylandLabs
    It's called NA vs EU !
  • imredneckson
    Another idea to add to this could be at the beginning of the campaign, those group can leave their faction for the duration of the campaign but at end of the campaign, they are placed back into their faction.
    Legions of Mordor Guild Officer
    Member of the GvG Community

    Dunmer NB - Merser Frey (DC)
    Dunmer DK - Akaviri Battlereeve (DC)-***_kill_by_eso_picture-d9nrz0q.png
    Imperial Templar - Knight of the Blood Oath (DC)-
    High Elf Templar - Aurí-El (AD)
    High Elf Templar - Teutonic Honor Guard (EP)
  • Slick_007
    no. i still say reserve the 4th faction, 'mercenaries' for all the bots that get picked up. transport them into cyrodiil such that they cannot leave, and be attackable by everyone.
  • Knootewoot
    zyk wrote: »

    This is what I've always wanted in ESO.

    IMO, the 4th faction idea wouldn't work because it would be loaded with most of the best players IMO, so it would just reinforce the organized group vs randoms paradigm.

    Most of the best players and Knootewoot.

    I love a faction like this. I backstabbed in Archeage all my friends and guildies and eventually became a pirate. Man that was fun. We pissed of a lot of traders and stole a lot of goodies,
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • ServerusEcru
    From here on out I will begin to update this with good ideas after we tease them out. If we can keep this relevant maybe we can get ZOS to consider this
    This idea is for the small scale community and to provide players the opportunity to play with friends in different factions, but at a cost. Grant every player the option to "desert" their faction in Cyrodiil making them able to be attacked by all players to include their previous faction and by all other deserters as well.
    -The only people a deserter can group with inside Cyrodiil is another deserter of ANY FACTION and their group caps out at 4-6 players (population dependent), this will prevent people from abandoning their faction to zerg. Maybe require the group to be formed outside of Cyrodiil before traveling in.
    -Only the deserters in the same group cannot attack each other.
    -Deserters can still cap resources and keeps, but the guards take time to spawn and are weaker than normal guards initially, but can grow stronger the longer it is held by that group. When the group leaves the resource/keep the guards begin to revert back to the Faction that previously owned it, fighting each other until it reverts completely back to the previous Faction's control.
    --In the event the Keep or Resource in question is a tri/home keep to a particular faction the Resource/Keep will always revert back to the Faction area that it is in, rather than it being the previous owner. This could help to combat gate camping by the Emp faction, but instead you'll have to only fight a 4 man and their weaker guards or wait for them to leave.
    ---This idea allows Deserters a chance in defending, but prevents Deserters from having a negative lasting influence on the map and instead could be beneficial. Factions could wait to cap keeps that are in turmoil as they are flipping out of Deserter control.
    ----In the event multiple Deserter groups are inside the inner keep while it is flipping to Deserter control, it will still flip to Deserter faction, but the first Deserter group to attack the other Deserter group will be attacked by NPCs, much similar to the way NPC Guards attack you for crimes in the rest of Tamriel and the group will be unable to peacefully remain in the keep. If a keep is capped and only one Deserter group is in it, then the keep is unfriendly to any Deserters who approach that were not present upon its capture.
    -Deserters get an 10-15% AP bonus in defending their resources or keep.
    -No keep or scroll bonus to Deserters, unless a group member is currently carrying a scroll or is in control of a keep.
    -The only place a Deserter can rez is in one of 4-6 random Imperial/Bandit Camps spread over Cyrodiil, in a keep currently in the group's control, or maybe even on a controlled resource.
    -Deserters still have the same access to siege and forward camps.
    -Allow a player the option to desert his/her faction when joining a campaign for 1,000,000 AP.
    --Make the cost of rejoining the faction 2,000,000 AP. Of course this AP cost for joining and rejoining could be wratcheted up.
    -ZOS can make a quest line and DLC for it too and costumes so they can profit in that way.

    Please offer comments or ideas. I think this would be an easy way to bring a new and lasting dynamic to Cyrodiil and won't break the factions as is. @ZOS_GinaBruno please take this to other developers.

    @SkysOutThizeOut I think this idea is prolific and insightful. I also think it will bring back small scale PvP, which we aren’t really getting anymore at places like Bruma.

    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom I think his idea could correlate with my vision as well. Of course my fourth faction idea was more for the majority which will include both hardcore, and casual, PVP and PVE gamers. My suggestion is his ideas should be playable only for those who subcribed or bought the mercenary faction unlock—also it should be on a faction lock server. 😉
    Edited by ServerusEcru on April 26, 2019 1:55AM
    "Train your opponent to make the wrong response." — The Book of Circles, By Loredas Maxims
    NA/PC/ Order of the Candle
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