New Zone: Whiterun Hold - Encompasses Whiterun, the surrouding area, and the Throat of the World.
New Faction: Companions - They have their own skill line (involving weapon abilities) and crafting style.
New Faction: Greybeards - They have their own skill line (involving Dragon Shouts).
New Crafting Style: Dragonscale - Similar in appearance to the Dragonscale and Dragonbone armor from skyrim.
Dragon Shouts consume and scale off of Magicka OR Stamina, depending on which is higher. As for which ones are available:
- Unrelenting Force - Attacks in a cone in front of the user. Guaranteed knockback and stun on anything hit that's not immune.
- Fire Breath - Attacks in a cone in front of the user. All non-immune enemies are set ablaze when hit, causing both direct damage and some DoT damage. Has about a second of channel time.
- Aura Whisper - Reveals stealthed enemies to the user for 30 seconds, but nobody else. The user is able to attack stealthed enemies while under its effects.
- Clear Skies - Removes up to 2 harmful effects from all allies in range.
- Whirlwind Sprint - Causes the user to launch ahead with a burst of speed, knocking back all opponents in their path and granting the user Major Expedition for 10 seconds afterwards.
- Storm Call - The Ultimate Ability of the skill line. Cause a storm to brew which deals DoT for all opponents in its radius, as well as causing a lightning strike every 2 seconds in a random location which deals direct shock damage and stuns opponents. One of the morphs turns this into Dragon Storm Call, which is the same, except the lightning strikes are replaced by falling meteors.
Storyline: The Dragonborn of ESO's time is a powerful warlord. He serves Alduin, whose spirit was cast back in time after his defeat in the 4th era. The Dragonborn raises dragons from the dead, much like Alduin did in the 4th era, and begins building an army. Alduin seeks to regain a corporeal form and lay waste to Tamriel once again. The Vestige must join forces with the Companions to fight against the Dragonborn and his army, while learning all they can from the Greybeards to level the playing field. Main story quests end with taking down the Dragonborn in an epic duel in Dragonsreach.
Trial: Throat of the World - Climb upwards from High Hrothgar to the top of the mountain where a newly resurrected Alduin awaits.
Dropped set: Alduin's Bane - Drops in the trial, always Dragonscale style. Set piece bonuses revolve around increasing the damage dealt to dragons, and the effectiveness of dragon shouts.
Crafted set: Skyforge Steel - Crafted at the Skyforge in Whiterun. Set piece bonuses revolve around increasing Max Health and improving resource recovery.
Guildmaster of Spectral Liberty - Xbox One - European Megaserver