Well, but ZoS told when Tamirel Unlimited went out that any DLC would be available to ESO+ subscribers.DLC are included in ESO+. Chapters are not. That’s basically the main difference (apart from DLC being group dungeon-centric most times).
If an expansion is a DLC, what should I think, then ?
Well, but ZoS told when Tamirel Unlimited went out that any DLC would be available to ESO+ subscribers.DLC are included in ESO+. Chapters are not. That’s basically the main difference (apart from DLC being group dungeon-centric most times).
If an expansion is a DLC, what should I think, then ?
Well, but ZoS told when Tamirel Unlimited went out that any DLC would be available to ESO+ subscribers.DLC are included in ESO+. Chapters are not. That’s basically the main difference (apart from DLC being group dungeon-centric most times).
If an expansion is a DLC, what should I think, then ?
Hey guys,
I was wondering as the title says : "What is the difference between an expansion and a DLC ?"
First I was thinking DLC means DownLoadable Content but both DLC and expansions are downloadable.
Then I thought it was a matter of content but I feel Orsinium had way more content than SSI.
Finaly, I thought that an expansion can be bought physically but still, I can physically buy ESO gold which are DLC.
So, what differentiates an expansions than a DLC ?