AzraelAcid wrote: »Oh no, this happened to me too. Though I'm missing much more than the mount.
I sent in a ticket on Monday as soon as I realized what happened. Still haven't heard back. Got mine from Best Buy. Ticket includes packing slip, order number, receipts, and code that was only partially redeemed.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom ticket number is 180521-003754
Anything that can be done? I've just come back from a 6 month hiatus, and it's frustrating to see that not much has changed regarding support. Please help. Thank you.
According to the threads on the BestBuy forums, they finally "received" the preorder codes after talking to the publisher. Not sure if they got them, or found them or whatever. It does appear that our BestBuy preorder codes will be emailed soon.
On Friday, Best Buy messaged me/us and told us that they have the codes and were sending them out. An hour later, we all got a blank email from Best Buy, with a subject of (No Subject) and the body looked like a Best Buy letterhead with absolutely nothing in it. They said sorry, we're sending another correct email. Now (Monday) they are giving us the run around stating basically that we don't understand how our email can stack emails that are the same. I've reopened my "Game Code Support" ticket to see if I can get anywhere with that again. I'm kind of curious if they were able to deliver the codes for the Xbox and Playstation versions.
"Hello Nucklez and others,
I am sorry you haven't found your codes. It is possible that as two emails went out relatively close together that your inbox merged them together into one thread. If this is the case you may only see the first one, and need to click into the second.
However, if you still aren't finding your code this way, please utilize our Game Code Support process to request that we review your order directly.
Thank you,"