A guild in its beginning, looking for end game players purely for trials. Our plans are to complete the Craglorn trials with a newly formed team in order to form a solid main team to complete vHoF, vMoL and vAS, vAS +1, vAS+2. Why join us? The players so far have pretty solid trials experience and are aware of how hard it is to attempt to find a team with commitment on the EU Server, you also do not necessarily need to know the mechanics for the harder trials as we will teach you them.
The guild is semi-serious, don't be afraid of having a laugh during trash fights but our aim is to get things done when it comes to the boss. We have the following requirements:
-2 Hours available for 2 days a week, the time may be from 7:30pm-9:30pm to fit those who are ahead but it can be changed to earlier depending on the majority.
-30k dps on either the 6M or 3M Training dummy (if you are a Nightblade, either Stamina or Magicka then aim for 35k if you wish to fill the main team spot.)
-A Mic, this is negotiable, we understand that many people have kids and if you are fast with a keyboard and will be able to hear us then that is fine.
-HEALER: Healer must have the Spell Power Cure set and either Mending or Worm Cult.
-TANK: Tank must have either Torugs or Alkosh as their main set and familiar with tanking mechanics.
The plan is to have the main team sorted before June, our goal is to get the harder trials done, get everyone the skins and then can move on to score runs/gear runs.
If you are interested, message Sir Benquo on Xbox and I will add you to the guild and queue you for testing. You can either send a video clip to me from this patch with buffs on or we will go to the 3M dummy in the house and do a live test.
Edited by Benquo on May 23, 2018 1:50PM