I don't know about you but just like spell power cure is a great utility set for healer that benefits the entire raid, equally might this be such a set for the tank ?
for clarity: I'm talking about the latest version of the 5-set bonus as it is currently on live:
Heavy - Aegis of Galanwe
2 – 1206 Max Health
3 – Minor Aegis, reducing damage taken by Dungeon and Trial Monsters by 5%
4 – 4% Healing Taken
5 – After successfully blocking, you have a 50% chance to empower 3 allies. Empower increases the damage of their next Light Attack by 40%.
40% light attack is like at most 2000 extra dmg for each teammate affected, and it works only if the boss attack that fast. Thing is a lot boss do not attack that fast. So i doubt it is good.
40% light attack is like at most 2000 extra dmg for each teammate affected, and it works only if the boss attack that fast. Thing is a lot boss do not attack that fast. So i doubt it is good.
Also it has a small range and only affects 3 allies so..
oh god that doesn't sound good at all. Shame because I just collected a full set of it last night and I must say the armor and weapon just look fabulous and I was hoping that functionality wise this would be up to par with it's looks.
I guess I was hoping that this new....'trial' (wink wink) would at least yield a useful trial level set.