Excruciatingly long load times in Alik'r, Screwing up Dolmen grind.

Levelling an alt. Using XP scrolls and doing the dolmen grind in Alik'r. Every single loading screen we've gone through since the grind started has been a "this may be an unusually long load time" loading screen. Each time I use the wayshrine, I'm stuck on the loading screen for about 3-5 minutes. By the time I successfully load in, the dolmen has already been destroyed by the rest of the zerg and I have to port to the next one...which results in the exact same thing occurring.

The XP bonus timer continues to tick down while I'm in the loading screen, so this results in most of it being completely wasted sitting on my ass doing nothing.

The only way I'm getting anything out of this grind at all is deliberately porting two dolmens ahead each time, so that by the time the incredibly long loading is done, the next dolmen is about to start.

I haven't been recalling, just using the wayshrines thus far. My friend, who is in exactly the same boat, claims that by travelling to a player in the group that's at the relevant dolmen, the load time will be as normal. I've just tried it, it works. That said, the load times are still incredibly slow when I teleport by going to the wayshrines.
Guildmaster of Spectral Liberty - Xbox One - European Megaserver
  • ZOS_Bill
    Two troubleshooting steps that can sometimes help with long loading screens on your Xbox are deleting local save data and power-cycling your home router. Listed below are steps for doing each of these.

    To delete save data on the Xbox One
    1. From the Xbox Home Menu, navigate to My games & apps.
    2. Go to Games.
    3. Highlight The Elder Scrolls Online tile and press the [Menu] button of the controller.
    4. Select Manage Game. Highlight and select Save Data for the desired user.
    5. Select Delete.

    To power cycle your home network, follow the process below:
    1. Turn off the router by unplugging it. If you have a modem and router in one device, turn it off then proceed to step 3.
    2. Turn off the DSL or cable modem. Note: Some modems are equipped with a backup battery. If your modem has one, please remove the backup battery to completely turn off your modem.
    3. Turn off all computers attached to your network.
    4. Turn on the DSL or cable modem first and let it boot. Let it complete its connection to your ISP before proceeding to the next step. If you have a modem and router in one device, proceed to step 6 after it connects to your ISP.
    5. Once the modem completes the connection to your ISP, plug your router back in. Let it complete its power on test before proceeding to the next step.
    6. Restart your computer(s) and console.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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