VaranisArano wrote: »The morrowind chapter comes bundled with Summerset for a limited time.
So if you buy the Summerset + morrowind bundle, you bought,both, congratulations, you have Morrowind chapter.
If you slack off and don't buy in time, the Morrowind part will no longer be part of the preorder and you'll have to purchase it desperately as a DLC and the Warden upgrade. So hurry up and buy now if you want Morrowind chapter bundled with Summerset -or at least thats the advertising idea.
The "limited time" is for morrowind to be bundled with Summerset. Once,you buy Morrowind, you own it.
Are you sure from what I understand you buy preorder get summerset for all of eternity and morrowind for limited time and when that time expires they cancel your morrowind expansion and you have to buy it afterwards
JasonSilverSpring wrote: »It is just poorly worded. It would not work to give temporary access to Morrowind because of warden class. You have a limited time to get Morrowind free.
Edit: This link makes it more clear.!
Damn it I think Im too late 21 may has passed
JasonSilverSpring wrote: »
Where did you buy it? If from ESO website it should automatically be applied to your account.
Yeah from website, I havent logged in yet, Im currently in my bed and bought it via my phone but when I played earlier today I remember there was a code that needed to be entered if you bought summerset