Kagouti Fabricant mount speed upgrade visual issues

Soul Shriven
There is a bug with the speed visual upgrade on the Kagouti Fabricant mount. Foot geometry seems to stretch into the ground when moving, and also the side of the seat rotates with the leg becoming misaligned.

Here are several pics to illustrate:

The issue goes away when speed upgrade is hidden in gameplay options, so it doesn't seem to be a problem with the base model. Other mounts I have don't display this bug with the speed upgrade shown and running repair in game launcher doesn't fix it.

This is on the PC with maxed out video settings.
  • SpeedyGuar
    Soul Shriven
    Just updating that this was not fixed in recent patches.
  • Perwulf
    Is it fixed? Several guys posted the same issue. Thread Link.
    "Monsters doesn't exist, we create them"
  • AefionBloodclaw
    Just logged in, Monday night's maintenance patch didn't fix the bug still. Unsurprising.
    'For love, for friendship and for valour, I stand with the Aldmeri Dominion.'

    Zephyrle Starbreeze, Bosmer Nightblade
    Aefion Bloodclaw, Bosmer Sorcerer
  • Perwulf
    Just logged in, Monday night's maintenance patch didn't fix the bug still. Unsurprising.

    Wow! 6 months and no fix? I'll probably just use my golds to buy crowns instead of real money to buy this or not at all.
    "Monsters doesn't exist, we create them"
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