True open world pvp?

I heard of someone saying they will have a new server with true real pvp? Similar to WOW. Where u have to be cautious on where u go and certain places will flag for pvp.

If not, will this ever happen ? The game looks fun but I will only play and out my own time in A MMO if it's open world pvp..

It's the only reason why I never played. I just find it very boring you have to enter a instance to pvp.. and everyone is the same level..
I like being scared or being able to gank in certain areas. Makes it more immersive and fun imo.
  • Kuwhar
    Sounds like Mortal Online might be the game for you, true open-world PvP with no restrictions just a few cities with guards.

  • Magical_Hobo
    Kuwhar wrote: »
    Sounds like Mortal Online might be the game for you, true open-world PvP with no restrictions just a few cities with guards.

    Is thi for pc? I dont have a pc atm
    But sounds intriguing
  • Kuwhar
    Yes it is for PC only and its on steam
  • Magical_Hobo
    Kuwhar wrote: »
    Yes it is for PC only and its on steam

    Ya. I wont be building a pc for another year or 2. Know of anything. On consoles? Present or future ?
  • Kuwhar

    Ya. I wont be building a pc for another year or 2. Know of anything. On consoles? Present or future ?

    Doubt it, they dont make hardcore games for console plebians.
  • Magical_Hobo
    Kuwhar wrote: »

    Doubt it, they dont make hardcore games for console plebians.

    Hah. Ain't that the truth!
  • Minyassa
    If they did that they'd also have to make a no-PvP open world server where all existing DLC and instances could be done PvE, and they're not going to do that either. They committed themselves to trying to keep a balance and that has them stuck where they are without a whole hell of a lot of work.
  • MaxwellC
    So we're gonna have a Runescape style open world PvP area? Lol that'll be fun if there's a reason to entice players to participate.
    不動の Steadfast - Unwavering
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    Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
    Coined by Maxwel
  • lihentian
    that would be fine.. but they will have to make imperial city and cyrodil a pve map on pve sever..
  • RDMyers65b14_ESO
    It isn't going to happen. At one point, there was going to be a PVP part of the justice system, but they scrapped it.
  • Sevn
    Nope, it's not true, nor will it ever be true for various reasons already discussed in great depth in many many many past threads. ESO is not the pvp game you are looking for, though there are already several of them on console already.

    Just Google them, but you are misinformed about everyone being the same level as they are not. Low level high levels mid levels all mix it up in the same instance and that instance is huge. One can easily spend their entire eso life in it, imho.

    On another note, out of curiosity how are you posting in the ESO forums with having never played/bought the game?
    Edited by Sevn on May 20, 2018 7:42PM
    There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man, true nobility is being superior to your former self
  • bittalakrb14_ESO
    It might not happen because the care-bear players will just complain. They don't even like the aspects of PvP that don't affect them. Dueling is a perfect example. The care-bear players shot that down because they claimed duel invite spams would be a thing. The PvP community said that Zenimax could easily implement a system where you can block duel requests; the PvE care-bear players then came up with the excuse that "dueling in towns or places where they might craft, is just "annoying". Fortunately, Zenimax released dueling anyway and the care-bear players got a reality check about how the game doesn't just revolve around them.
    Edited by bittalakrb14_ESO on March 22, 2019 9:42PM
  • SpiderKnight
    Isn't Black Desert Online open world pvp? I thought it was on xbox right now, releasing on PS4 soon...

    Also heard it was pretty bad though.
  • Rake
    if u wanna be scared read newspapers.
  • Gilvoth
    a new open world pvp server?
    i would Love it!
    i hope happens.

    let me bring my account and characters and HOME with me, ill pay the fee.

    Edited by Gilvoth on March 22, 2019 9:50PM
  • StormeReigns
    the PvE care-bear players
    Calling PvE'ers "carebears" is just foolish, just as foolish those calling PvP'res, molesters, sociopaths, etc.

    Hard handed reach for straws that are not even there.
    Edited by StormeReigns on March 22, 2019 9:56PM
  • Mr_Walker
    Terrible idea, you'd just end up with trolling idiots camping very wayshrine/quest giver/delve entrance.

    If you want PvP all the time there's plenty of other games for that.
  • Mr_Walker
    SkerKro wrote: »
    Calling PvE'ers "carebears" is just foolish, just as foolish those calling PvP'res, molesters, sociopaths, etc.

    Hard handed reach for straws that are not even there.

    Especially given most of the crying on the forums is done by PvPers. Anyone remember the great Sload's Cryfest 2018?
  • idk
    Zos has said nothing about opening up additional servers nor about open world PvP outside of what we have now.

    It really does not make sense for Zos to add more servers as adding one open world PvP server actually means 6 since we have two geographical areas with 3 platforms each.

    So, if that person was talking about ESO, they are full of it.
    It might not happen because the care-bear players will just complain. .

    This is just absurd. ESO was never billed as an open world PvP game so it is just silly to call the bulk of players care-bears. To put someone down as the only way one thinks they can make a point just means they have a weak argument to start with.
    Edited by idk on March 22, 2019 10:09PM
  • bittalakrb14_ESO
    SkerKro wrote: »
    Calling PvE'ers "carebears" is just foolish, just as foolish those calling PvP'res, molesters, sociopaths, etc.

    Hard handed reach for straws that are not even there.

    Calling PvE'ers "carebears" and calling PvP'ers "molesters", sociopaths, etc, are not comparable, at all. A "carebear player" is defined as "A player who is not a griefer; one who dislikes, or tries to prevent, trouble in the game world." Calling a PvPer a "***" is to say that they sexually abuse or assault people. Calling them a sociopath is to say that they have a personality disorder that manifests itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience. Do you understand the difference, or do I need to further elaborate for you? In other words, it is far more foolish to call PvP'ers molesters or sociopaths. I think you know that too. This is just an attempt to insult us PvP'ers in a way that doesn't get you banned from the forums.

    And if reading comprehension was your strong point, you might have noticed that I wasn't calling all PvE'ers carebear players. I was more-so referring to the carebear players that are within the PvE community.

    Try again.
    Edited by bittalakrb14_ESO on June 11, 2019 6:00PM
  • bittalakrb14_ESO
    idk wrote: »
    Zos has said nothing about opening up additional servers nor about open world PvP outside of what we have now.

    It really does not make sense for Zos to add more servers as adding one open world PvP server actually means 6 since we have two geographical areas with 3 platforms each.

    So, if that person was talking about ESO, they are full of it.

    This is just absurd. ESO was never billed as an open world PvP game so it is just silly to call the bulk of players care-bears. To put someone down as the only way one thinks they can make a point just means they have a weak argument to start with.

    I never said it was labeled as an open world PvP game. It is a hybrid of PvE and PvP. It caters to both of us. My point is, though, that when the developers wanted to implement an aspect of PvP that doesn't affect PvE'ers, they were against it, even though they had no reasonable basis to be. They are against anything PvP, even though the game isn't labeled solely as PvE. Some of these PvE'ers think the game revolves around them. And they're the ones I am referring to as carebear players. And it isn't putting anyone down. Please refer to my comment above. I explained the definition of a carebear player. It certainly isn't an indication that I have a weak argument, either. You getting offended by a word doesn't weaken an argument.
  • Girl_Number8
    Zos can't handle what they have now with their EU customers....
  • bittalakrb14_ESO
    Mr_Walker wrote: »

    Especially given most of the crying on the forums is done by PvPers. Anyone remember the great Sload's Cryfest 2018?

    Most of the crying on the forums is done by PvP'ers? Do you have any credible evidence to back that up? Did you scrub the forums and organize every complaint being made and determined which person is a PvPer and which is a PvEr, then compared the number of complaints from each one? No, you didn't. So let's refrain from making ignorant assertions like that, okay? Both sides complain and whine. You talk of the Sload's Cryfest, what about the Duel Cryfest? When that got announced, the carebears constantly whined about it. Or what about the PvP Justice System Cryfest? You guys cried so much about that - it got scrapped. Both sides cry. I am not sure which side cries more, but I am willing to bet it is the PvErs.
    Edited by bittalakrb14_ESO on June 11, 2019 6:09PM
  • Gythral
    Truly Dead Server

    That is what always happens to this type of server!
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • idk

    I never said it was labeled as an open world PvP game. It is a hybrid of PvE and PvP. It caters to both of us. My point is, though, that when the developers wanted to implement an aspect of PvP that doesn't affect PvE'ers, they were against it, even though they had no reasonable basis to be. They are against anything PvP, even though the game isn't labeled solely as PvE. Some of these PvE'ers think the game revolves around them. And they're the ones I am referring to as carebear players. And it isn't putting anyone down. Please refer to my comment above. I explained the definition of a carebear player. It certainly isn't an indication that I have a weak argument, either. You getting offended by a word doesn't weaken an argument.

    My comment was to your lame "care bear" comment. Not only was it pointless but it was merely to degrade those who disagree and offer nothing to the conversation.

    What aspect of PvP that the devs wanted to implement that did nto affect PvE but players were against it? I ask because I cannot recall anything along those lines. If you are talking about the justice system then that is false as it clearly affected PvE.

    Further, yes, this game is a hybrid, but it's focus is on PvE which is evident in how many PvE zones we have vs PvP. It is further evident is how much PvE Zos has added to the game since launch vs the PvP. IF that is not clear enough then I do not know what could be.

    Edit: nvm, no need since I just noticed how little interest this thread had gotten. Over a year old, been necroed once (kinda twice) and still on the first page. That sums it up very nicely.
    Edited by idk on June 11, 2019 6:15PM
  • rotaugen454
    I think they should have 4 different servers. One like it is now, one that has PvP anywhere, one with no PvP (including Cyrodiil and Imperial City), and the final one has NO combat whatsoever. You can even walk through trials and nothing will attack you, nor can you attack anything. You can open the chests, but they have no armor or weapons, just outfits. Is that Carebear?
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • Cously
    They should have an option to flag oneself in PVP mode and be able to attack other flagged players, or players with bounties.
    The vaunted double Necro thread. You couldn’t kill it in May 2018 or March of this year. Now ... it’s June and what is dead may never die.

    Anywho ... yeah, no. It’ll never happen.

    But ... maybe one day I’ll get my full loot Cyrodiil server. Maybe. Probably not, but a brother can hope. It would be a white gear utopia.
  • Goregrinder
    I wish, would be a dream come true but there are too many Casuals in ESO for ZOS to do that.
  • idk
    I wish, would be a dream come true but there are too many Casuals in ESO for ZOS to do that.

    LOL. Casual players have nothing to do with it and seems more like a cop out due to the extreme lack of interest this thread has received.. The fact that this thread has died twice and was necroed after both deaths by the same person and yet the thread is still on the first page speaks volumes.
    Edited by idk on June 11, 2019 7:12PM
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